Well, not sure what else to call them, I'm sure there is a name for them. But I've had a sort of preemptive dream two nights/mornings in a row now.

First one was I heard my alarm going off in a dream. In the dream I woke up and turned off my alarm. Once I turned off the alarm, I woke up and my alarm went off in real life. (Felt like seconds between the dream, me waking up, and the alarm going off).

Then this morning, I had a dream that my puppy was coming into my room to wake me up. I woke up and when I did my dog ran right into my room.

I've had stuff like this before too, like dreaming you are going to the bathroom and then walking up needing to go to the bathroom, etc.
Just kinda cool how the mind works. Not sure if it is something 'otherworldly' in play or just that my mind knew when my alarm was going to go off and decided to give me a heads up. And for the puppy one, my subconscious mind could have heard him running up the stairs or barking or something.