A bit of background - I am divorced for about 2 years, my ex and kid live in another state, and even though it was necessary, the divorce was pretty hard on me. My now-ex and i had moved between two states a few times during our marriage.

So onto this dream that has been messing with me...

I was at a park in my town, family picnic. My step-dad was complaining about how his wife had to work so hard for all this to happen (he is always complaining about how hard she works and no one appreciates it, even though we are all grown and not kids). I was walking around the park and it was busy, he was kind of following me still talking about this. Several other people were arguing amongst themselves. I escaped to this arched bridge in that park and Bruce Springsteen was standing there looking sad (WTF?) So I was trying to comfort him and apologize for the way my step-dad acted.

Here is the burdensome part -
I escaped the park to go home. I was at one of our old apartments. I was in the main bedroom packing up stuff to send to my ex who had already moved and was in Florida (we never lived there in RL). I was looking out the window and the sun was setting. Though the window was blocked by a lot of junk I could see some light. I was worried about finishing packing (had a lot to do) cause once night fell it would be dark. Electric had been shut off cause of non-payment. Also had no money, no beds or food. I jumped when I heard someone coming upstairs, thinking it was my step dad wanting to complain some more. I looked again and my son was coming upstairs. He was naked and 4 years old. Thing is in Real life he is a teenager. So I got him dressed and was explaining what was going on with packing and about not having lights, food, or beds.
About that time i woke up.

I have been thinking of this one for the past few days. In the dream, I was kind of scared/bummed out over the electrical situation. I remember looking thru the window and feeling scared about the sun going down cause it was soon to be dark.
So for the past couple days at work, I have been outside and around 7:00 when the sun is starting to set, I get the same feelings.

I could go on for pages about the meaning of everything but suffice to say things from the budensome part have happened in RL but in different forms (except meeting Bruce, still don't know where that came from). But yeah basically this ONE dream seemed to outline a lot of the struggles I now face at times. Often broke, nothing really going on (like the house is dark) yet I still have a lot of stuff to clean up. I think my son being a small child in the dream is cause often times I think maybe I wasn't there enough when I HAD a chance to be a better parent.

Well, that's it. I welcome any thoughts on this.