first off, the basics.

20 year old male fighting cancer. Just finished the last round of 'hard' chemo (on the way to recovery..). Born a scorpio on the zodiac.

ok, so in this dream there is a scorpion that keeps crawling around everywhere. I'm not really scared of it, more fascinated by it. In the dream a friend and I just finished doing a puzzle by moving objects in the sand, and the scorpion is always present.

Now i'm sitting in a chair and I see the scorpion again. I say to my dad (who is present in the dream) "wow, this scorpion has been here the entire time!" after saying that the scorpion goes behind me. Suddenly it jumps on to the back of my neck and tries to sting me. I grab it with both hands and try to scream, but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. Out of body, I see my hands on the scorpion. One hand rips off the stinger, and another rips off one of the claws.

Now i'm in my friends house, and i'm telling him about what just happened. There is a snail attached to my clothes, so I examine it. When I do this, it falls to the ground and 3 scorpions appear. They chase me out of the house, and everybody stands and watches them chase me. I try to kill them but I can't...I wake up after this.

please take note that I am very much into my zodiac sign, and I truly believe that I am going through a cycle of death/rebirth as associated with scorpios. That's the logic I make of my cancer anways... Thanks for reading!