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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Alternative realities through dreaming?

      Do you think it is possible to visit a alternative reality through dreaming? A few nights ago I had a very real dream about myself although it wasn't me. In the dream I was a oppsite gender then I am now. There were people in the room that I didn't know either around my age.

      Now here is the thing that makes it odd. A relative of mine was within the dream, but only after the 4 people I didn't know left. The room itself was the same as the room I have now except gender type objects were different. I was seeing things at one time through a over view when I went to explore objects, but at other times I was seeing through a eye view prospective.

      There was a active conscious different from my dream conscious also. During the time that I was from my view it seemed like I was out of place even though some stuff felt familar. During the outside view experience I reacted like I would in this reality if certain objects were there that shouldn't be. I was also worried about objects being out that weren't mine and embressed.

      Oh the dream was very real as well. Things felt just as real as the keyboard and screen I'm looking at to type. All 5 senses were within the dream and just as active as real life. What do you think is it possible to visit alternative realities through dreams?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2007
      I had a dream a while back, that I was the opposite gender - it felt completely normal at the time. I've also dreamt that I've walked alongside my dreamself on the street, in the dream, so makes three of me!

      It's fascinating, and having read a little there are people who believe we are all made up of different 'layers' (of energy?) so perhaps the three versions of myself were representations of those. Of the soul, perhaps? As for being a different gender, past lives pops into my head....again it depends if you beleive in that sort of thing. And astral planes too. As well as parallel universes as you suggested (I read recently that there are theories that each time we make a decision, the alternative takes place in a kind of parallel universe and sometimes these overlap. So we might meet ourselves so to speak, in dreams or other states of conciousness).

      I've probably not helped very much - it's a bit mindboggling to think about! I'm sure there are others around here who know far more than me and might shed some light....

    3. #3
      Member blindfold_off's Avatar
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      I never had a dream about being a different gender, but some of my dreams do feel like the take place in an alternate reality.
      To be continued . . . . .

    4. #4
      In hoc signo vinces Beksinski's Avatar
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      Blacksburg, VA
      There is no indication outside of superstition or speculation that there are alternate dimensions, and especially that we are somehow able to access those dimensions in our sleep. Dreams can seem very real and convincing, but they're just that -- dreams. Enjoy them for what they are, but don't draw any rash conclusions from a feeling you encountered in an altered state of mind.

    5. #5
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      re: alternative realities through dreaming?

      I have had som rather peculiar dreams as far as other realities are concerned.

      The one that springs to mind is a dream where I knew I was in a different reality, and I met the "me" who lived in this reality. She sort of carried me in her mind until we reach a lab of some sort, where I was released, and walked into a dome-shaped artifact, about 3-4 meters at the highest point. She said it would bring me home. And as I walked through a door in inside of this dome, I woke up in my bed.

      I must admit I felt kinda confused there for a few seconds.
      But wether it really was an alternative reality, or just my mind playing tricks on me.. well, I'm not all to sure


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