• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      w/e reku68's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2007
      nowhere special

      Things unique to a person's dreams

      Well in my dreams there are certain things that never change that i just wonder if anyone else feels things like it.

      Main examples are:

      bullets tend to feel like water, a spray of bullets feels like a splash but you feel physically weakened yet there is no blood

      flying takes 3 or more rynning jumps that attempt to defy gravity yet you still fall down

      and things that you see in movies or just make up actually gain power;
      Sylar (heroes) can find me and do anything i can do, worst case senario is that i'm lucid dreaming then its just gameover.

      so ya just weird stuff like that, i think it would be cool to be able to see what other people's dream quirks are and see if ne1 else can relate.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      Being shivved, shanked, AKA stabbed H U R T S and I always tend to say WTF WHY?!? After it happens.

      The Kamehameha wave never turns out right (it did once) yesterday it was a ball of bubble gum and when I shot it, it just popped.

      When I am waking up from a dream or starting to and operating something it goes fake, shrinks, doesnt work anymore. Like a car would be to small for me to get into, or it would turn to plastic.

      Whenever I am flying DC's seem to be able to jump up and grab me causing me to fall (sometimes) prolly cause it throws of my concentration.

    3. #3
      w/e reku68's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2007
      nowhere special
      Hmm when i was little i had a crazy step mom and in almost every dream i would die. But not just like wake up right after it happens, no i would stay asleep for like hours in total darkness. I remeber reading that this happened to someone else and i wonder if it mite be a sighn of depression.

      Iunno but when i was feeling bad my dreams became gruesom and always eventually led to my death/oblivion of darkness.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      I'm always on a mission, no matter what kind of dream it seems like it is, there's always a mission of some sort that almost never gets done, I never really could understand why that happens but then again... I never seem to end one, they always come back to haunt me if I try.

      I'm rarely scared in my dreams, I'm almost always indifferent no matter what's going on [almost always not always]

      My DCs never really are of any help to me in a dream, they either betray me or just don't give me the right answer [it gets pretty bad when your being chased by the mafia and you ask a DC what should you do and they say "I don't know," like it weren't life or death to me...]

      When I was younger I had lots of dreams with my death too... not sure what made them go away, but I'm glad they did, I wonder if I was subconsciously depressed or something


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