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    1. #1
      The New Achievements:
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      Painfull and strange Sp experience

      Ok, im not a newbie when it comes to SP. Ive been having it for years and experienced all sorts (e.g. vibrations, flying, falling, shadows, noises, and even the hag.) Also ive had at least 6 successful WILDs.

      But a couple of nights ago I woke from my dream and looked around. I was awake, i could see my room perfectly, nothing was odd, i was also in SP.

      So far everything was ok, untill i started to see double and started to fade into a dream scene and them back constantly. Then i could move my hands but nothing else, I was still in my room and nothing seemed strange. At first i though i must be dreaming, however, i still coudlnt move.

      It was when i started to feel as though there were two of me, not only could i see double but i felt as though there was another of me trying also to wake up from SP.

      After a while I again tried to move, this time with some effort, untill i got this painfull spazm in my neck - the same pain which i got when i twisted it one morning and had to stay in bed all day because it was painfull to move.

      After a while of this i woke up with a start. Made sure i was deffinatly awake and looked around. Everything was normal, exactly as i saw it during the "experience."

      Any ideas on what was happening. Was it just some HI gone over board. Or a dream in which i thought i was in SP and even though i had a feeling that i must be in a dream, a part of me still remained in the "must be SP" mode.

      -Thanks, HyperNova

    2. #2
      Member Asymptote's Avatar
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      Seems like a freak occurrence to me...maybe some part of your brain not normally awake during sleep paralysis stayed awake this time. That might also explain why you couldn't get out of it.

      Being a bit of a novice, though, I'm not sure.
      LDs since 12-27-08: 0

      My Dream Journal

    3. #3
      Member Bisch's Avatar
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      I get the twitching of the neck also, and I notice my neck muscles not feeling so great the next day. If I tell my self to relax my head and neck, I can get the vibrations in my head and neck to stop, which also stops my neck spasm. I'm pretty sure I wasn;t dreaming at that point. I wrote some of my SP experiences in my journal: http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...ad.php?t=40798
      Last edited by Bisch; 08-04-2007 at 04:03 AM.
      “Will not a man who has seen nothing but the shadows of reality, not feel fear when exposed to the light?"


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