Have yoe u ever had a dream that was so cool, you couldn't help but remember it?
Some dream that progressed in a linear fashion, with plot, characters, and drama?
Here's you chance to share those epics with the dreamview population!

Lethe's epic dream
It started off with me standing in a sunny hallway. I should explain that I wasn't me in this dream. I was a girl, but not me. Anyway, I could hear the sounds of happy people all around me, although I couldn't see anyone.
I walked away from the sounds and found a quiet, sunny room to be by myself.
I had never been so sad. You see, it was my sisters wedding. I was happy for her, of course, I loved her. But I was absolutely and totally in love with her soon to be husband. (You know, he never did make an appearance in this dream. I wonder what he looked like. ^_-)
I could never tell either of them, because I really did love my sister, and she was very happy.
There was a knock on the door and I quickly wiped my face.
Someone asked if I was coming, since everyone was leaving for the hall.
It was time for the wedding.
I said yes, please go ahead, I'll catch up.
Then I was riding in my car. I remember that it was an old car, kind of beat up, but a nice shade of blue.
I could see the last of the cars ahead of me turn in the direction of the church, but I didn't follow them.
I couldn't imagine hurting my sister by forever pining for her husband, better that she remember me as a loving sister.
I drove the car to my favorite lookout. It was a scenic view. Just below the cliff was a small forest, with a vast plain after that, and mountains in the distance. I didn't bother to hit the brakes.
I remember going over the cliff, but never landing.
Next thing I knew I was standing in the dark, looking up at the cliff, with an enormous forest stretching out behind me. The trees of the forest were clear, although it was very dark, but the cliff had a weird hazy look to it.
I remember knowing I was dead, and feeling bad for my sister. I knew time must have passed for her, because I saw her standing at the cliff with flowers. I tried to talk to her, to tell her I was sorry. I think she kind of heard me, but she became so upset that I stopped. Leaving her behind, I walked into the forest.
Now the forest was always dark. There was no day, and no moon. On the other side of the forest was a lake, just as dark and scary. You see, there were things living in the forest. I never saw them, but I knew they were they and that I didn't want to meet them. In the middle of the forest was a very scary tree, not made of wood, but of flesh. (Freaky, eh?) It was alive, and I knew that whatever lived in the tree was scarier than anything in the forest or the lake put together.
I spent alot of time laying on a branch near the edge of the lake. Across the lake I could see the lights of what appeared to be a city. Since it was the only light around, I looked at it often. I wanted to go there, but my fear of the lake creatures stopped me.
One day, I was laying on my branch, (I didn't experience the intervening time, but sort of skipped ahead, and then just knew alot of time had passed.) and somehow I knew that the scary tree had split, and whatever lived inside was coming out!
I was terrified, so regardless of the consequences I jumped into the lake.
About halfway across I saw a man in a boat. He pulled me from the water, and gave me a blanket to keep me warm.
He was very kind, and he took me across the lake to the city I had seen before. As we stepped onto the shore, it was suddenly daylight! (In real life this would have killed my eyes, I'm very light-sensitive).
Once we were in the city, I learned the truth about the man. He was a slaver of souls. In return for saving me from the lake, I was expected to sign a contract promising him a hundred years of service!
(I kind of wonder what the service entailed. I mean, did he have an army of ghosts haunting assigned places? O.O)
I was saved by my parents! Now they had been dead for years, and it seems they had only just learned I was dead too.
They explained this to me.
It seems that when someone dies, there are five places they can go.
four of them are forests like the one I was in. They are dangerous places, where souls might be forever lost. The fifth is a sort of desert, as safe place where the dead infants and children go.
Generally when people die, its on schedule, and there is someone to save them from the forests, or pick them up from the desert.
But in the case of suicide, you're not on the schedule, and it could be a very long time before anyone from the world of the dead knows you're there. My parents were baffled by how I had survived so long undetected.
Then they introduced me to my little brother. He was a strange boy, and as it turned out he had never been alive! Having babies when you'red dead is how new souls were created. (This dream was getting weirder.)
Shortly after that I woke up.

So, thats one of my epic dreams. Heh, I am strange, huh? =^_^=
How about sharing yours?