I have been having these more and more lately where I dream something one night and a week or two later I continue the dream where I left off or time passes by and I continue from there or I just end up in the exact same place but under totally different circumstances. I'll give you an example that I posted earlier today on a group I am in. And this is a real actual dream continuation that happened to me btw.

"Well I've been noticing something sort of odd in the last year or so. I've been having dreams that are continued on another night. For example, I had a dream about a week or so ago where I and a friend found some beers on the side of a mountain and we left them there, I guess for later. When I returned to my supposed home I could see the case distinctly on the mountainside. I remember when I woke up thinking it was funny that we left the case of beer there and didn't take it home and drink them.

So then last night I had a continuation of this dream but this time I saw some kids around the case of beer on the mountain. The case of beer was in the same spot and the case was the same color and everything. So anyhow, the kids left and I immediately went over to where the beers were and they obviously took a few but I grabbed the rest of the remaining beers and this time I took them home so the kids couldn't come back and take the rest.

Well, I noticed I am having these dream continuations more often all the time and thought it was kinda strange. But they are never upsetting and almost enjoyable as I get to see what the outcome of the original dream is."

Anyone else experiencing this or has in the past?