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    1. #1
      Xyn is offline
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      Weird Sleeping thinger

      Sorry, I couldn't think of ways to do the subject better!

      Well anyways, my problem usually is. This has happened to me for a while now, but till recently alot.

      What I do, is I go to bed. This is usually on school nights so I try to get alot of sleep. Well, I just try to fall alseep. I enter a deep daydream(Not even close to lucid). Well, all of sudden its like time passes by (Hours sometimes
      4+). All of sudden im like CRAP! I just stayed awake to 2AM! Then I finally fall asleep.

      Well, I think I fell asleep but it's like I was awake.

      Is it possible that your body falls awake but your concious mind doesn't?

      Any advice of what it is?

    2. #2
      with a "gh" Oneironaught's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xyn View Post
      Is it possible that your body falls awake but your concious mind doesn't?
      Sure, it's called a WILD. Though, if you aren't actually physically falling asleep then it's not. It sounds like - at the very least - you're on WILD's doorstep.

      You may want to try just going to sleep as normal then waking up about 5-6 hours later and try for a WBTB + WILD. You'll probably have good luck that way, since it sounds like you're either WILDing already or are very nearly doing so.

    3. #3
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      Hey there,

      Like Oneiraught said, your body falling sleep while your mind stays conscious is a WILD. However, reading your experience, I think in this case the opposite happens

      My best guess is that you sort of got yourself in a 'half state', right on the border of sleeping and awake. Your body doesn't fully fall asleep, but your mind drifts off and your consciousness lessens. You get so immersed in this daydream you're having all your conscious attention goes there, while other conscious functions (like being aware of the passage of time!) fall away.

      Rather then falling asleep though, like we normally would, some part of you stays awake, and you sort of continue to float right at the edge between the two (waking and sleeping).

      This happens to me too sometimes.


    4. #4
      Sleep light, dream deep. sorcha's Avatar
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      Yeah, I do something like that; it's like, on school nights, I try to fall asleep and I go into a daydream/near sleep. I am dreaming, but knowing that I still have to fall asleep, and then I shift position, and I wake up and I'm like, crud. I almost fell asleep that time. Try again....

    5. #5
      Xyn is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Redrivertears View Post
      Hey there,

      Like Oneiraught said, your body falling sleep while your mind stays conscious is a WILD. However, reading your experience, I think in this case the opposite happens

      My best guess is that you sort of got yourself in a 'half state', right on the border of sleeping and awake. Your body doesn't fully fall asleep, but your mind drifts off and your consciousness lessens. You get so immersed in this daydream you're having all your conscious attention goes there, while other conscious functions (like being aware of the passage of time!) fall away.

      Rather then falling asleep though, like we normally would, some part of you stays awake, and you sort of continue to float right at the edge between the two (waking and sleeping).

      This happens to me too sometimes.


      Yeah, your hit the awsner right on!

      Its just really weird, its like time just passed by my eyes. Does your body fall asleep? Like does that count as sleeping?

    6. #6
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      Hey there,

      Personally, I feel less rested in the morning when it happens, if that's what your asking. I'm not as tired as I would be if I had simply stayed up all night doing some activity, but I'm not as rested as I would be if I had slept normally either. So I guess it's somewhere inbetween


    7. #7
      Xyn is offline
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      It's kind of cool in a way. But to some people not getting much sleep at night makes them feel more awake in the morning... For my friends anyways. Maby that might have something to do with it. Well this hasn't happened since so i'm happy!

      Suprised to see im not the only crazy one after all =P


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