last night i had a dream where everything that happened seemed to be really really random and i'm really interested in knowing what it meant. i know this is going to be long but i would REALLY REALLY appreciate any insight anyone could give me.

first off let me say who all the people are
taylor, ben, and dillon- 3 of my best friends
kristen- my best friend from home who i rarely see anymore because she goes to school 10 hours away from me
cory- my ex boyfriend who i now have a 'friends with benefits' relationship with
kristina- my roommate/best friend at school who i've recently been having a lot if issues with, but we cleared everything up before i had this dream last night

soo.. on to the dream:
it started with me and taylor and some other kid but i cant remember who it was. we went to an imogen heap concert and we were waiting in line in some hallway because before you got to go into the show you had to go into this room and sit at a table and talk to this lady. outside the door before you go in there was a pile of imogen heap cds but i thought you had to pay for them so i didnt take one. we go in and we each talked to this lady and then we were waiting for something. while we were waiting i realized the cds were free so i went back out to get one and when i got there they were just in those ugly white envelopes instead of the case that they sell them in (but they were in the nice cases before). i was pissed that i got an ugly one. my friends dillon and ben were out there and dillon was wearing a fake mustache. he said to me "i dont have a ticket, so im just going to sneak in" and i told him they arent even checking tickets so he could just walk in as long as he talked to that lady first. then i went back inside and i went to the bathroom and i realized i had my period and i was really upset because i didnt have anything with me. i went back out to where taylor was and at that point dillon and ben were ready to go into the concert too so we went into the next room and then all of a sudden i was with kristen and cory and my parents instead of all of the guys i was with before. so i'm in this other room with them and there's a huge roller coaster in it but for some reason i wasnt allowed to go on it. so kristen and cory were going to go on it and i went up to the platform you have to get onto it from so i could take pictures. they get on and their train leaves and then i realized i could get better pictures if i was on the ride, so i got on the next train but never buckled it. it's about to go upside down and i realized i was going to fall out so i raised my hand and they stopped the ride and i got off. then my parens came over an yelled at me because i wasn't suppossed to be on it in the first place. then we left and went to this big house where we were all staying with a bunch of other people and kristen turned into one of cory's friends. my parents went to go upstairs to go to bed and they said "you and cory can sleep down here. goodnight" i thought it as really wierd that they were letting me sleep with him. then when we woke up in the morning everyone that was staying at the house was eating this big brunch outside in the backyard at this really long table. we were out there eating but it was only me and my parents and the random other people eating. i realized that cory and his friend were over on the deck just laying there. so i went over to lay with cory and as i did he turned into kristina, so i was cuddling with kristina instead

if you read that whole thing, thank you so much. does anyone have any ideas as to what any part of it may have meant?