I have been keen as of late to notice advertising concepts. I would like to call them a scam, but I guess it is the nature of the beast.

It seems that once you are tunes into something it is easy to find.
My point?

The influx of new medications is enough to make your mind spin. To be more direct and pertaining to this Forum, sleeping aids.

Most of us here on this Forum are interested and inspired by our dreaming. With dreaming comes sleep. (lucid dreaming to awake in our sleep) sounds contradictory, maybe that is why the concept is so hard to understand for many people?

Oh, my point:
It seems that from my own experience and the information I have read from members on the forum that it is safe to say that sleep aids hinder dream recall.
With that said, why is it they use dreaming as an "effect" for their advertising? We as people who inquire and discuss in length our dreaming while they use it as a punch line.

~ can't fall asleep? Try XXXXX for free
Becasue your dreams miss you.

Maybe they will miss you because of your medication?

MAYBE it is not - http://www.physorg.com/news10562.html
