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    Thread: Why a Change???

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2007

      Question Why a Change???

      I dreamt of an ex, 'yes I know anther that hasn't let go' well ithought I had.

      Ok I will try and explain the best I can. I have not been or even seen this ex partner for about 5 - 6 years and haven't dreamt of him for about him mmm lets just say for awhile. Previous dreams he has ingnored me, is angry, did not care, would always just walk away and wants absolutely nothing to do with me. We had a really bad breakup. Last night I dreamt of him and it was completely different, amazingly reversed.

      Here goes this is how it all started, I was dreaming of spiders (as I am scared of any spider) but in my dream it was creepy not scarey cause there where millions of them not doing anything just everywhere so I got the spray and started to kill them off...there where so many different breeds, webs, big spiders, small spiders, baby spiders every type it was out there.

      Then in this old house but in pristine condition the kitchen area was spotless no spiders nothing (not really sure if it was the same house) This is where it changed. I started onto another dream, this was a two storey house kitchen down stairs and I only remember a bedroom upstairs also in pristine condition.

      I was at some peoples place, I knew some of them and some I didn't, all just hanging out. There was either one or maybe two girls that where pregnant and I was going to help one as she was struggling financially. Thats when the ex turned up I couldn't believe we had some friends/aquantiences, a common ground. Anyway I left the house we where all in, walking down the street and he pulled up along side me with other guys that I knew aswell, in the car. We were all chatting as I walked , he drove. Then he went back to get his car or to drop the others off and picked me up and we went back to my place. I lived on a corner and inside, the kitchen was to to the left and clean also my mother was the wiping down the bench?? ( I don't live with her?) She wasn't too keen on him in my dream and real life. Anyway we were talking about how much we both had changed, what we had been doing as I was showing him around the house we passed each other on the stairs, I smelt him and he smelt exactly the same as he always did ....good. There was that connection that was there when we were actually together, but I didn't follow through on any feeling, look, nothing. He told me he was buying a hummer and I was geolous because I wanted a hummer too. He told me he was engaged but felt like it was a mistake and it wasn't the right thing to do. I didn't say much and knew he wanted me too. Later I met her at this friends place which was just like meeting a friend of his. I left again, not long after he was driving along side me again taking me home. In this dream we had feelings for each other but I never validated them, he still knew there was something.

      Thats it, I was so suprised that this is the first dream since we broke up he spoke to me and showed his feelings that suprised me. Would love to know what you guys think of this. Thanks for reading.

    2. #2
      Haha. Hehe. Achievements:
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      Join Date
      May 2007
      New Zea-la-land
      I think this just indicates that you have finally gotten over the hurt feelings in regard to the break up (both consciously and unconsciously). I wouldn't take the dream literally in any sense and assume that he actually still has feelings for you or something.


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