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    Thread: So confused.

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2007

      So confused.

      You need a little bit of background to fully understand. About a year and a half ago, I started working with this girl, lets call her Stacy, who I absolutely adored, I fell so hard for her, and after about 6 months, I told her, and she rejected me. I was really upset, but then I met my girlfriend and I fell completely in love with her. I can't explain how much this girl means to me. We have been going out for 7 months now, and I am over Stacy. Okay, so every morning I get up at 7 to call my girlfriend before she goes to school, cause I am homeschooled and she is not. So after I got off the phone with her, I went back to sleep at about 8 and slept until aroud 11:30, and sometime in those 3 and 1/2 hours, I had a dream that I met up with Stacy in a mall, and we made out in a bathroom stall. I am just so confused, cause I am over that girl, and I don't want to still have feelings for her. I am very much in love with my girlfriend. I just don't understand.

    2. #2
      Member Bonsay's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      In a pot.
      If you believe that dreams have a special and important meaning, then maby you should ask it to be interpreted, which I don't really do.

      The only thing I wanted to say was that I kill people in my dreams, stab them happily in the head multiple times. That doesn't mean anything when I wake up. My dreams make no sense and are usually things I see, hear, feel or think about douring the previous day. That's my explanation, a bunch of information stored in my head. Yes it does show my feelings sometimes, but as I said I don't need dreams to tell me what I do or don't feel.

      If you are worried about you dream, then that might show you how much you really care for your girlfriend... Yay !

      C:\Documents and Settings\Akul\My Documents\My Pictures\Sig.gif


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