I'm sure a lot of you have experienced this from time to time while keeping a dream journal. You wake up in the middle of the night, quickly jot down a dream while half asleep, and then conk out again. I read over my journal entries every two weeks or so and I'm surprised to find that a good portion of them I don't actually remember happening! It's so weird to read something in your own handwriting that you can't recall in the slightest. I thought it would be interesting to record a couple and see what other forgotten dreams you guys have as well.

I'm sure this will be pretty interesting.


I'm in a place where alternate dimensions meet. I'm holding a small statue of a fork that's made of a thousand tiny forks. A tall blue alien dude walks by me.


Jake [my brother] and I drive in his car down the east coast to see the "opposite" colors of the horizon. While there, we stick around for some kind of conference. I'm driving, turning left at a light and it's raining.


Jenna [my co-worker] is working on and changing a cotton candy art I've done. It feels like everything's in a zip lock bag. All the pieces are there and it makes me feel weird because nothing's trimmed out.

Weird, eh? Care to contribute?