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    1. #1
      Member SeeRelated's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006

      Series of odd dreams while sleeping in recliner?

      So we have a recliner in the living room, and whenever I fall asleep in it, I have the strangest half-sleep-half-awake dreams.

      Dream 1

      I am awake in the chair, yet not awake. Suddenly I begin floating upwards, and then I slide onto the floor and, laying flat on it, I begin to spin in circles. My friend is on the couch, just as she was when I was awake, and starts yelling that I'm possessed. I look at her, laugh, tell her I'm "just telekinetic!", and jump up and float. Then I wake up.

      Dream 2

      I am sitting in the recliner, which becomes a chair, which is then in a train. I'm looking out the window, watching, VERY realistically I might add, the scenery pass by. As I begin to pass houses, it switches and I'm now driving a car with the same friend from the last dream in the passenger seat. We see an orange cat with two different colored eyes sitting in the middle of the road. We stop the car and get out, but as another car is coming, we grab the cat and jump back in the car. The cat is now in the back seat with its paws on the back of my chair, and its face up next to mine, looking out the windshield. Suddenly, a stuffed orange cat on a bicycle (looking very angry!) begins peddling towards my car. I hit the cat with the car, and I look at the live cat next to me. I ask "Was that cat after you?" and the cats says "Meh." and nods it's head. Then I wake up.

      Dream 3

      I am sitting in the chair, watching tv. I dream that I fall asleep and wake up and my brother is home, talking to me. I am trying to talk to him, but I can't move. I can't talk, breathe, or move any part of my body. My brother begins yelling at me because I'm not answering, I'm just watching him talk. Then I actually wake up. No one is home.

      Dream 4

      This dream does not take place in the chair, it takes place on my bed, in the same house. I am laying on my bed, seemingly awake, when I look next to me and see a boy. I can't see his face, but I do notice a mess of black hair. Even though I am looking directly at his face, I cannot see anything. I can feel him laying next to me, I can feel his arm on my arm, but I open my eyes, and he is gone.

      During most of these dreams, or dreams or periods of sleep where I am in that chair, I find that I will have a series of moments where my heart begins racing, I cannot breathe, I start to sweat, experience paralysis, and I feel that the entire room is spinning or racing around me. These periods are very scary, and if anyone has some insight into this, please share.

    2. #2
      dreaming lostinmydreams's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      at home with the people i love
      Can I have your recliner?
      Seriously though, it sounds like you are experiencing deep vivid dreams, and the sleep paralysis that occurs before dreaming. You're just realizing you're falling asleep as it happens.
      Sounds cool.
      <img src=http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm172/spenlow/AllKindsOf/Lesbian.jpg border=0 alt= />


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