• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      Far away

      Irony to the face.

      "We've noticed that you haven't been active at Dreamviews lucid dreaming forums for quite some time now, and we miss you!"

      I never knew one could love and hate an email so much at the same time.

      Basically, I just woke up from a terrible nightmare that involved multiple false awakenings, lots of mysterious things getting me in the face in the dark, screaming bloody murder, sleep paralysis in my dream, and many other things that have convinced me to stop sleeping on the futon and go back to my bed where I belong. All the signs of being in a dream were there - the lights wouldn't turn on correctly, and my computer was positioned in its old spot from over a year ago - and yet I couldn't recognize that I was in a dream or become lucid and turn the whole thing into sunshine and rainbows. I could not get out of that dream. I had at least four false awakenings. Finally, I got so desperate that I tried to make myself fall out of bed and hit my head while I was still in the dream. That didn't work.

      When I finally did wake up, I smacked myself really hard to make sure it was for real. The first thing that came to my mind after I ceased panicking was, "Man, serves me right for not keeping up with my dream checks. Wonder whatever happened to that forum with the dreams."

      So, being uninterested in going back to sleep at the moment, I decided to get back on my computer and seek comfort in my boyfriend. Lo and behold, I have a single email.

      "We've noticed that you haven't been active at Dreamviews lucid dreaming forums for quite some time now..."

      Sent at about the time I fell asleep.

      That'll teach me to not go to the forums.
      ~Dreams dreamed in a world of wings are what I cherish ~

    2. #2
      Mackinac Island Fanatic Achievements:
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      tehuti88's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      I think that's what Jung would call "synchronicity," ha ha.
      "Trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide."--Carl Jung

      "No canoes...no maple sugar...this place is horribly uncivilized."--Manabozho

      Official Mackinac Island Fanatic!

      Manabozho is my Savior.

    3. #3
      Member Tyler's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2008
      North Carolina
      wow lol
      This shit never happens to me

    4. #4
      For teh Lulz Ednasil's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2008
      Ones you go DV you can't ever go back.
      4 LDs

      1 fully controlled


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