My dream was getting into dirty murky water to swim with initially dolphins. I was with another woman but she was a stranger to me. She said to watch out as they could be quite scary and on getting in the water some of the dolphins turned into different creatures, some furry but they all kept nose butting me.

The dream took on a different shape all together, maybe it was even a separate dream but I was suddenly in a swimming baths which had a large balcony with no chairs or barrier. I kept getting on a push bike and riding off the balcony into the water checking nobody was swimming directly below where I would land and I was constantly looking out for some one in authority so they wouldn't stop me. After 2 or 3 goes I came back with my bike to find someone had closed off the balcony so i went into the main swimming area and kept shouting for everybody to get out of my way so I could ride my bike into the water.

I have some strange dreams but this has got to be the oddest I've had for a long time.

Any thoughts?