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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2009

      Very very bizzare dream!

      Firstly I am new here and I consider myself to be in perfect health and definitely dont consider myself to be a "crackpot".

      Last night I had a very weird dream. In fact I had two, both had the same effect on me. I woke up completely oblivious to my surroundings (my bedroom), my partner could not seem to connect with me in a talkative sense and I was crying.

      The first dream happened over and over ( at least five or six times to my recollection). As far as I can remember it went a little like this.....

      I was aware of of watching a tv screen in a room with a window to the right of the screen. I seem to recall that on the tv screen was a ghostly like figure with a long and gaunt looking face. He appeared to be hooded to. The figure was some distance away from the camera taking the images. My attention was suddenly drawn then to the window. This is where this gets really really weird !!!!

      You will need some form of imagination when I try to describe this part to you so bear with me. Everything including what was on the TV froze instantly. By froze, I mean stood still. Completely stationary. In the window was a black duck frozen in flight, wings out-stretched. It was at an angle to the window of about 45 degrees and half way through the line of the window. I was aware of being completely petrified by the duck and its stance. The dream would then un-freeze and my attention would be drawn back to the ghostly figure on the TV screen, then the same things would happen again. Evertime this black duck appeared I was totally mortified!! This dream woke me up several times last night and I am keen to get to the bottom of its meaning.

      Does anyone have any ideas?

      The second dream was visualising the grim reaper. I was aware of him looking at me through a gap in a door frame. When I tried to look around the frame he had gone, only to reappear moments later.

      I must stress, I do not use drugs of any nature so hallucination is out of the question. I am of sane mind and in a reasonably fit state of health.

      I have never experienced dreams this vivid before and also have never experienced a dream(s) to scare me so much.

      Somebody please help.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      First off, try to relax. It was a dream. It makes sense that you'd feel rather disconnected after such an emotionally involved experience. I've had a couple of dreams where I'm particularly emotional and am crying, and I wake up crying and it takes a minute or so for me to realize that nothing bad actually happened.

      Have you been stressed out recently? Is there anything or anyone you're worried about for some reason or another? I, personally, would not take this as any sort of bad omen, but rather as just one of those times where the mind just takes things in a bizzare direction and we suffer for it. I had a dream one time where I could not move. I couldn't even move my eyes to see what was around me. I was stuck. I was rather upset, and it was about two or three minutes before I could move again. It was just weird.

      Try to relax. Stress will only make you more restless and often stress can cause less desireable dreams. Let it go and think on more pleasant things.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."


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