Has anyone else ever experienced waking up from a dream, with a random, completely original song already stuck in your head? Because it happens to me occasionally, and my sister has also had this phenomenon. It's like your unconscious brain composes new music while you're dreaming about something else and then plays it back to you when you wake up. The content of the music also seems to relate to the mood/state of being you're in at the time.

I find this really strange and fascinating, so these days whenever it happens I quickly grab my dream journal, or the nearest notepad, and write down all the notes in the brief, repetitive melody before I forget about it like the rest of my dreams.

Here are a few songs I caught on paper and then made in FL Studio (music program):

Dream song 1

I don't remember what was happening or what I was dreaming about in that one, but it was the first one I wrote down. (I spiffed it up a bit with a beat)

Dream song 2

Not sure about this one either.

Dream song 3

This one is very specific. It was November 5th, the morning after election night, and in my dreams Obama came over a couple times for dinner, among other strange things. I recorded this song in piano, but it was actually orchestral in my mind, it was just that I couldn't find many good orchestral instruments on FL Studio for it. The highest few notes hovering above as I recall were an oboe, and there were strings in it. It kind of reminded me of Beauty and the Beast.

Dream song 4

This was the most recent that I wrote down, about November 24th, after a strange nap as a result of a huge peach/mango flavored water bottle full of aspartame, which I know is bad but I drank it all anyway. I could sense how it was messing with my brain, so I'm not surprised how weird and creepy this song sounds. It matches the state I was in pretty well.