Has anyone else had this kind of dream? I had one just recently and missed some REALLY obvious dream signs because I mistook them for the effect of the drug.

This dream I had just now,I was on some kind of drug, it reminded me the most of shrooms. Anyway I started playing Super Mario Bros, as soon as I did my vision was all distorted, flickering, backgrounds and sprites kept changing and never stayed the same... I then decided "I may as well just play this with my eyes closed". So I did, and I could still SEE the game in my mind, exactly the same as it looked with my eyes open, and it was like I knew the game so well I had it all in memory. And I made it through a bunch of levels based on what I was IMAGINING with my eyes closed, I remember going through the swimming levels, underground levels, castle levels, levels with lakitu...

For some reason I realized I didn't want to trip anymore, and started getting that feeling of a bad trip where I'm scared and just want it to go away. I remember I felt the same kind of fear I had from an episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark" I watched as a kid, but I don't recall what this fear was about about exactly... something to do with hallucinations? The fact that everything going on in the game was distorted and didn't look right and the effect of the shrooms (or whatever) suddenly made me really scared.

I opened my eyes and I was no longer the one playing the game. My friend was with me and he was the one playing it. But like I heard the sounds of him playing and was imagining me playing based on those sounds? I looked at the screen and tried to stabilize my vision, but it still looked distorted... I gradually woke up at this point, almost thought I was still tripping even after I woke up. When I realized it was all a dream I wrote it all down.

After thinking about this dream, I realized the fact that the game looked distorted and was changing constantly, should've been a pretty obvious dream sign that would make me go lucid, but instead I mistook it for tripping. The whole closing my eyes and seeing the exact same thing should've been a dream sign too.

I guess it was a waking dream, because I still had all the fears and emotions of being in the dream when I woke up. I've had waking dreams before where I freaked out and was scared for hours afterwards and couldn't get back to sleep, simply because I didn't remember what it was that made me scared. Getting freaked out and then not knowing why can be pretty scary itself. This time as soon as I analyzed and wrote down my dream all of the fear I had when I woke up completely went away. I guess remembering your dreams is helpful for overcoming nightmares.