My grandmother died last month. My mum is in hospital at the moment as she has cancer and so she has to get operations done as well as treatments. Last night I had this dream:

I was walking a road and two women walked by who looked like my grandmother... I was confused then randomly said "I love you nanny".

Then, I ended up in a dark (but not scarey) place. I looked up and saw my grandmothers face, it looked like her face was projected onto a movie screen, so it was bigger than life-sized. We had a conversation but I only really remember this bit: "Don't worry Laura, Nanny loves you, Take care of mummy for me."

Also in the dream, I remember my grandmother laughing and smiling a lot at me. At one point, I felt like I tried to smile back, but, I couldn't because I was sleeping and she started laughing because my smile was all weird.

At the end of the dream, she "put on" a song. I got the impression that she would have liked this song played at her funeral. I have never heard the song before but I woke up with it going through my head, it was such an upbeat song. The only lyrics I remember were "I'm gonna take it day by day".

I woke up from the dream crying and with the song in my head. I couldn't stop crying, I never felt like this after a dream before. Anytime I think of the dream I get kinda emotional. Could this dream have been a way of my grandmother trying to get through to me?