• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2009

      Has anyone ever had this type of dream?

      This is going to be really hard to explain....

      Ok, I don't even know if you could classify this is a dream, but a few times I got this very very vague feeling that I was being overwhelmed by some imaginary amount. It isn't like a normal dream, but more of a feeling....I do recall seeing a yellow cube-like structure, but it is very vague.

      So anyways, I feel like I'm taking littles bits of something...and then I take a huge one, and I feel overwhelmed and very stressed/uncomfortable...

      I think it causes me to wake up...I haven't had this feeling in a long time and I probably only had it a few times in my life.

      Can anyone relate to this feeling/experience, or know what it is?

    2. #2
      愚かなロボット~StarMan* Achievements:
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      I kind of have no idea what you talking about, as a guess i could say that the cube was a sleep paralysis episode that manifested itself as imaginary amounts of cubes?


      We are the gifted of the future many kids come here from last time. ~ Indigo Ghost
      I like the breeze in dreams flowing into my head. ~ Indgo Ghost
      There is no life, there is simply ideas, and with idea's things happen. ~ Indgo Ghost
      Meditation Since 04/Jun/2010 {I had some enlightenment.} Goal: Have a slice of the real loaf [ ]

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Mar 2010

      in regards to feelings in dreams

      I know when I have feelings related to my dreams, that's when I worry.

      For example I had this dream that my dog ran away and I awoke with tears on my cheek. I didn't own a dog for over 30years--the following week my girlfriend gave my cat, of 12 years, away because we have a new born baby in the house. There was no warning or conversation on the matter.

    4. #4
      Member strael's Avatar
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      I've had similar experiences with overwhelming perceptions in dreams. I've read that other people have them as well, but I've not been able to find what it is exactly.
      It has happened to me a couple of times while lying in bed. I would feel like things were changing size from enormously huge to freakishly small, though I didn't actually see it happening, I just felt it. it was all very uncomfortable and disturbing. This has only happened to me once while I felt like I was awake.

      sometimes it comes in dreams, but with visuals. The things in my dream will go from disturbingly thin and spindly to overwhelmingly gigantic, including my dream-self perception. Though, It's not so much numbers in my case as it is size disturbances.


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