First of all, I'd like to apologize for my english

Well, last night I had this dream...
I was in my living room with my cat (I don't have one in real life but I'd love and she was eating.Suddenly, a big white mouse appeared (i don't know how you call them in english).It was trying to eat my cat's food while I was trying to take it away from her bowl( so it wouldn't transfer a deadly disease or something).But when I did it, another big mouse appeared, which was also trying to eat her food.So I was desperately trying to take them away from my cat that was completely unaware.
Then I remember one of the mice grabbing my hand with it's quite big teeth and I was hitting it on tables, walls and stuff so it would die.I could feel the pain, but I could see no blood so I was thinking ''great I won't get a mouse disease''.
After many attempts to kill it, the mouse was almost dead, so I went to the kitchen, took a big knife (yeah everything in this dream was big xD) and cut it (eww I know) in slices.
After all this I realised that I had more than one cat and by mistake I killed one of them (that one was black).lol
Then the second mouse's death followed, again with that knife.