Hey everyone, if your like me youve had some pretty crappy lucid dreams, you find ways to make them better like constant rcs, yelling out commands, spinning, and a few others. but when i get in a dream i forget about all that, because im still a little bit of a beginner myself. usually ill do some rcs, take in a ton of sensory detail untill it gets extremely vivid, then as the dream progresses i forget about all that stuff and the dream deteriorates untill i wake up. well tonight i had a long vivid lucid dream with very little rcs (maybe 2) and this is how i did it. usually in lucids i forget im supposed to let the subconcious doing the work, and tend to start imagining scenarios ahead of time, putting them in 3rd person, and sometimes in lucid dreams i dream in 3rd person. well for me the 3rd person dreams are the crappy ones. all i did was force myself into 1st person so it was more realistic, and i had goals, not thoughts i predetermined ahead of time. i always knew that if i wanted a house, to just expect a house, not pick out the colors and architechture and everything, but to just let my mind do it, but for some reason that idea never came with me in my dreams which led to there failure.