Okay so I was wbtb last night and I got up ladida went back to bed did that routine went to sp kept mind awake, anyways my big toe started burning then stinging and I'm not sure why I had to roll over luckily this didn't affect me becoming lucid but do you know why my big toe would started stinging randomly?

Second question is that in my ld last night I was with some DCs but they looked like my friends I was wondering how you could control them into going away and maybe having random dc's? Idk if that would be possibly considering your mind probably couldn't just conjur up someone random...

Last question. I've been wanting to find my dream guide but I have no idea how to start to search for him/her/it. Are there ways to find your dg or will they find you eventually because I would like to talk to him.

Also dreamviews should have an iPhone app this was a pain to type