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    1. #1
      Member simpsin's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2005

      HURRAY - 1st LD (almost)

      Okay, I had pretty much just stopped thinking about lucid dreaming and then last night, or this morning i should say, during my last half hour of sleep, I was having a dream in which i was at school talking to a friend. Then somone yelled out I was naked to i started to run but then just figured out and said "I am dreaming". A teacher near me said "yes your are", so then I knew i had to be. I did a RC (put my finger through my hand) and it worked.

      Now, it gets bad. I think I closed by eyes for my RC in the dream, cause thats what I do in real life. Then I think i might have heard somthing in the hall (real life hall) becuase everything went black (maybe because my dream eyes were just closed?). I told myself to concentrate and I should have remembered to try to open my eyes and start to spin but then i dont remember anything and I think I woke up immediately or almost immeditaely after that.
      -Be Here Now-
      LDs: 1

    2. #2
      Member simpsin's Avatar
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      Mar 2005
      Okay, it was confirmed, my mom was putting something big and metal away in the hall, so there was a noise that startled me. I think thats good, right?
      -Be Here Now-
      LDs: 1

    3. #3
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Clairity's Avatar
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      Feb 2005
      Simpsin.. congrats you did it and without even trying! May you have many more!

    4. #4
      Member oilfieldpilot's Avatar
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      May 2005
      GOM: Gulf of Mexico
      You mentioned just putting it away and it happened.
      Something I learned recently and have been pounding in my head is the 'intent' thing you hear the 'pro's' always talking about.
      When I learned this, things got worse, a struggle, a fight; 2 steps forward, 5 steps back, and 3 sideways...
      THEN I learned that your Intent Must be Effortless; hence "Effortless Intent".
      I pondered over this and you just experienced it.
      It's like leading the horse to water adage!

      As long as you have intentions, just expect them to happen. Once you try and force them, this is your EGO trying to take command.

      I think this is where I am now.
      I have had a lifetime of LD OOB experiences, but only since last FEB did I have a whole slew of these experiences, the most dramatic and vivid ever, and in them I had total control (unlike before where I just ent for the ride), BUT they were still all spontaneous. This sounds like what you had too.

      Now you know what these LD etc feel like, Now you want to have them by your command.

      The trick is to Not let the EGO take charge (you will surely fail); as IT sees how easy these experiences can happen (via effortless intention), hence it takes the reins away and tries to control what now becomes your wild unruly team of horses!
      Then frustration and negative emotions can further dampen your progress; a byproduct of a pissed off ego

      Remember to LET GO, just like you did, and EXPECT the Best to happen FOR you.

      I have had a 2 day "click-out" since my minor accomplishment 2 nights ago. Click-outs are where you go to sleep and it feels nothing more than someone switched you off, then a few seconds later, switched you back on; hours have passed, but you swear you merely blinked! No dreams, no 'feeling' of achieving restful sleep, just a short blackout.

      These are extremely rare for me, as I am normally a vivid dreamer inbetween my periods of insomnia on a nightly occasion.

      When this happens, I don't allow it to make me feel like I am in a slump; but rather a needed 'rest' period, or my higher self (s) is/are paving the road for bigger and better for me (as this really seem to be the true case for me)

      Expect, trust, release, and Give Thanks!!!

      It will happen!


      Watch your thoughts, they become words
      Watch your words, they become become actions
      Watch your actions, they become character
      Watch your character, It becomes your Destiny
      Adopted By: Santa Dreams Too :-)

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Nov 2004
      Very helpful advice. Thanks very much on that. And congrats on your first LD. I've had plenty of those where I did reality checks and my arms would float through eachother, but my problem is that I always get too excited or something and it wakes me up.

    6. #6
      Member bassaddict's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2004
      I did an RC the other day, the one that never fails.... where you hold your nose and carry on breathing. But get this... It failed and I managed to hold my breath so I didnt go lucid.
      Lucid at least once a week, mainly on weekends.

    7. #7
      bleak... nerve's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2003
      LD Count
      a lot
      inside you
      try to avoid closing your eyes because it can cause you to wake up.

      Ignorant bliss is an oxymoron; but so is miserable truth.


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