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    1. #1
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      Apr 2005

      Real Spiritual Symbols

      Real Spiritual Symbols

      The current quasi-scientific prejudice is to treat all religion as though every aspect is to be assumed fabricated and false. Those who try to be polite simply assert that none of it can be ‘proven’ and so it should all of course be ignored. Then we have others who are even perhaps sympathetic to religion, but then suppose that religious symbology would nonetheless be useless if unaccompanied by a concurrent Religious Faith – that without a certain conviction that the symbols have potency they would remain flat, impotent without belief to empower them. Few people believe that Religious Symbols have any stand alone power in and of themselves. Such is an odd belief for any person to have, that Spiritual Things only work by Faith, when everything in the Real World either works or it doesn’t upon its own merits and qualities. One needs to wonder why it was decided that the Spiritual World should be so contrary to Reality.

      Now, if one is a total materialist, believing that Dreams have no basis in any objective Reality that exists outside or in transcendence of the individual, then the argument for Religious Symbology would have to come after a more basic preparation. We would have to show that isolated Materialism is difficult to maintain against the evidence for the Collective Unconsciousness, in which we find a universal similarity between the Dreams of all peoples and individuals despite education or culture, a similarity in Dream Symbols, a likeness in Dream Archetypes, and repeated recurrences of Dream Motifs. Then there are shared dreams in which dreams become a medium for communication, demonstrating that Dreams interpenetrate Reality and have a basis in Reality. It is this Collective Nature of Dreams and their proven Objectivity that supposes the Objectivity of the Spirituality upon which they rest.

      Now, we should examine what makes an effective and real Spiritual Symbol. Once we can concede that Dreams have an objective component and that the Spiritual World is a Real World infused with the same objectivity that we can find in Dreams, then we may consider whether this Real World of the Spirit can be influenced, effected, changed or transformed by Human Actions and Behaviors. Supposing a Human Being could effect the Spiritual World, in creating a Symbol, then is it unreasonable to suppose that such a symbol would then continue to exist as it had been created, maintaining its potency (faith or not)?

      The Polytheistic and Pantheistic Cultures believed in Heroes – Mortal Humans who by great Spiritual Achievement attained to the Immortality of the Gods. But with the Advent of the Higher Religions, we no longer call such Great Souls ‘Heroes’ – they have become our Saints. But their function remains the same – they establish within the Spiritual World an Infrastructure whereby the Spiritual World becomes more accessible to the rest of Humanity. If there is such a thing as a Spiritual ‘Path’, well, these Saints and Heroes were the ones who cut, filled and paved it and then set up the sign posts.

      But what is a Religious Symbol. We should understand a little bit about Astral Plane Theory. The Astral Plane, that is, the lower Spiritual Plane, interpenetrates this World. Those who Astrally Project, even while supposing themselves to be traveling in the Material-Physical World, inevitably notice elements of Astral-Spiritual crossover (one of the arguments Lucid Dreamers use to invalidate Out of Body Experience is that these Experiences are nearly always cluttered with ‘Dream-like’ elements, and so those in the Dream Culture suppose the so-called Out of Body Experiences untrue and unreal, when the truth is that these ‘dream-like elements’ are astral-crossovers). People with psychic vision see elements of the Spiritual in our physical sceneries. And this is when no crossover between the physical and the spiritual is even intended. So, what about when Gateways are deliberately made to join the Physical to the Spiritual? That is the purpose of Religious Symbols. The Saints who created them empowered them and they support the infrastructure that sustains them from the Other Side, and those who have previously used the Symbols reinforce them within the Collective Consciousness. Repeated use makes them stronger as a much beaten path becomes wider and clearer.

      Actually, most any picture on the Wall can be used as an Astral Gateway – a Path to some corresponding Astral Reality. For those who mix Out of Body Experience with Lucid Dreaming, if one finds oneself close to one’s physical body and fears an unstable return to that body, quick distance can be put between the Astral and the Physical simply by swooping into a picture on the wall – a Gateway that takes one immediately out of the unstable lower Astral and into the more Ideal Astral. Unfortunately those same Pictures on the Wall can be a two way street. Dark, noir, and gloomy pictures or symbols suggestive of demonology or just simple evil have no place in a home where one would want to remain happy. Conversely, upliftingly happy and holy pictures and symbols can only admit positive influences.

      Since many people are not careful of the Symbols they leave open, many dark and low influences come into our World from the Demonic Zones of the Spiritual Realms, in addition to those who are simply able to cross-over by whatever means. For our protection there are certain symbols that have been created, institutionalized and maintained for spiritual protection that we can use to guard our homes and persons. Religious Faith is not required for any of these things to work. They are simply part of the Greater Spiritual Infrastructure which we have inherited. All of the Higher Religions have their protective symbols and images, and a good Feng Shui design consultant is sure to incorporate such devices into a home’s décor, whether they exactly coincide with the professed Religion of the particular homeowners or not, since such talismans work not by faith but simply because they work.

    2. #2
      Member Jrels's Avatar
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      Feb 2004
      I know this may be slightly off-topic. I just wanted to know if you think the average dream or lucid dream takes place in a lower plane? I have tried many times to come to an understanding with a dream character that they are creations of my mind. They always seems to reject the idea and become offended, or just not be able to handle the idea. I have lucid dreams all of the time, but I mostly observe my surroundings and the people in them. So do you think the people in most all dreams are residents of a lower plane?

    3. #3
      Member lilacsky's Avatar
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      May 2005
      Actually, most any picture on the Wall can be used as an Astral Gateway – a Path to some corresponding Astral Reality. For those who mix Out of Body Experience with Lucid Dreaming, if one finds oneself close to one’s physical body and fears an unstable return to that body, quick distance can be put between the Astral and the Physical simply by swooping into a picture on the wall – a Gateway that takes one immediately out of the unstable lower Astral and into the more Ideal Astral. Unfortunately those same Pictures on the Wall can be a two way street. Dark, noir, and gloomy pictures or symbols suggestive of demonology or just simple evil have no place in a home where one would want to remain happy. Conversely, upliftingly happy and holy pictures and symbols can only admit positive influences.[/b]
      I have done this before, though I just obsevered the picture while in the hypnogogic state, which is where I find my highest level of awreness, which for me I was in RTZ Real time zone, and even though I was not fully out of my body my mind was, and a very dark picture I have hanging right in front of my bed, as I observed my surroundings, I knew I was in between states/planes, perhaps even between life and death,I could hear sounds that tried to fighten me, but I refused to be afraid of them..I felt calm and relaxed, than I began to fall through layers of consciouness, my own mind, I could actually feel the layers of reality, before I knew it I was in some other part of the house, stuck in a dream/obe state...I ended up battling my way to reaility , this happens alot for me, for some reason I think its because I am surrounded by negativity, and I have many things yet to fact still, eventuallly I made it to the awake state, and I took the picture down, its red, with a black house painted with very odd looking trees, the painting is very good, but I realized that it could have created my negative expreirence in the astral realms, so I put it in another room, where my focus is not on the picture, its strange how our sub can pick up on such things and since the astral realms and beyond are though sensitive and more ruled by a deeper consciousness we seem to integrate these things much faster and easier...

      know this may be slightly off-topic. I just wanted to know if you think the average dream or lucid dream takes place in a lower plane? I have tried many times to come to an understanding with a dream character that they are creations of my mind. They always seems to reject the idea and become offended, or just not be able to handle the idea. I have lucid dreams all of the time, but I mostly observe my surroundings and the people in them. So do you think the people in most all dreams are residents of a lower plane[/b]
      I would say that this is true alot of the times, since our perception is not complletey clear,and our sub tends to get involved too many times when we try to reach our highest states of lucidity, so yes I would say that most people are creations of our own mind, and in fact most everything is in the dreaming worlds, and that since consciouness is in everything and our focus shifts so much, it is easy to say these images are illusions, ,but as we reach higher states, the more clearer things seem...for me I have only made contact with a few "real" beings, the strange thing here is all these people I came in contact with has passed over..

      "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul"
      Adopted,: River

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Originally posted by Jrels
      I know this may be slightly off-topic. I just wanted to know if you think the average dream or lucid dream takes place in a lower plane? I have tried many times to come to an understanding with a dream character that they are creations of my mind. They always seems to reject the idea and become offended, or just not be able to handle the idea. I have lucid dreams all of the time, but I mostly observe my surroundings and the people in them. So do you think the people in most all dreams are residents of a lower plane?
      I would think that every Character within a dream needs to be treated as though they are every bit as substantial as the Dreamer. Are they real? Well, they are as real as the Mind. If we are to learn anything from our dreams or from our Minds, we should perhaps refrain from the habit of dismissing our dreams as unimportant because they are from our Minds. Then we should consider what we mean when we say "our mind". Every time someone dreams of some external objective reality, or when two or more Dreamers dream the same Content -- experiencing the same dream in every detail -- then we must wonder whether each individual Mind is unique and isolated, or whether the boundaries between one Mind and the next may be porous and indeterminant. I and an acquaintence at college, some many years ago, shared the same dream, which begs the question "was it her Mind or my Mind that had the Dream, or was it a Common Mind"?

      Now, about Higher and Lower Planes... it has been the inclination of many a Spiritual Scholar to over-elaborate the distinctions between countless Planes and Spiritual Levels. I tried to follow, but after awhile it began to all sound murderously the same. So let's try to simplify. The more Light one sees, the higher the Plane. The more Self-Luminous a Being is, the more spiritual.

    5. #5
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      Apr 2005
      Dear Lilacsky,

      I'm so happy you substantiated one of my arguments -- that Art Works can present Symbols which can act as Gateways to various Astral Influences.

      and, yes, we often have to decide what is most important -- the Spiritual Influence that the Art on our walls may exercise over us on a day by day basis, or our technical appreciation of the Art as creative accomplishments. These choices can often lead to dilemmas. For instance, say, our seven year old daughter brings us home from school a very well executed Pentagram, or a well colored and composed picture of Satan. Certainly we would have a predisposition to appreciate and display this Art, if for no other reason than to pay homage to the Artist. BUT... it opens a Gateway to Hell.

      Now, sometimes I do wonder about some certain Religious Symbols -- mostly the Crucifix. I largely think it's significance has been misinterpreted. Paulist Propagandists claim it to be a represantation of a Sacrifice which Humanity should celebrate, but I rather see it more along the lines of its surface appearance of representing a Crime against God -- a call for a universal atonement and repentance. Yet there may be something more. I recently had a Dream in which I was crucified three times -- the first time I was so fearful I had to be sedated; the 2nd time I went with more courage and more acceptance of the pain; and the third time almost as though I was going for the rest it would bring me. The Crucifix may represent something of a Transcendance of the lower material body, yet it must retain a strong sense of the moral abhorrance to the Crime it depicts -- that we must transcend the Flesh while also transcending all of the Animal Aggressions of the lower human condition. It all becomes complicated. Which reminds me -- one of my favorite Saints -- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux had a great appreciation for what he called Mystery. The Greater the Spiritual Truth, the more it approaches Self Contradiction as it Meaning takes on so great a breadth and span. But the Self-contradictory nature of these Great Truths make them difficult to intellectually understand on the linear level. This is where one has to appreciate them as Mystery. Notice, Bernard did not advocate Faith on this point, as Faith implies almost that these difficulties should be ignored; but Mystery supposes a sense of wonder and awe, as though attempting to make one's Mental Grasp as large and inclusive as the Mystery it wishes to comprehend.

    6. #6
      Member dreamtamer007's Avatar
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      New Jersey
      [quote]Dear Lilacsky,
      Now, sometimes I do wonder about some certain Religious Symbols -- mostly the Crucifix. I largely think it's significance has been misinterpreted. Paulist Propagandists claim it to be a represantation of a Sacrifice which Humanity should celebrate, but I rather see it more along the lines of its surface appearance of representing a Crime against God --

      Yes it was a Crime against God. But not many people can see that. Because it does take spiritual eyes. But in law, a degree of guilt for an action can be determined by intention. Did the person know or plan what they did? Jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do. So the cross symbolizes what god allowed the blind people to do so that they may receive sight.
      All intelligent creatures Dream
      LD's 12 And counting..
      I do not wish to hear about the moon from someone who has not been there.
      Mark Twain


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