I woke up after six hours of sleep, stayed awake for another three, and after a workout and a shower went back to bed and layed down on my back. I remember drifting in and out of sleep for a little while and then I remember some weird dream where I was at a bank (this was the first dream I would have). A large woman started to hug me and ask me how I was, she was much bigger than me and she was almost smuthering me to the floor. I was wondering why this was happening when I suddenly came to wakefullness and I remember feeling like there was a large weight pressing me down. The woman in the dream must have been a translation of what my body was really feeling. I remember slightly vibrating as well, my teeth were chattering but they weren't the same intense vibrations I've felt with other non-sleep paralysis related experiences. I remember trying so hard and getting nowhere, but the day I don't try I've gotten closer than I ever have before!

Here's what I don't understand! I didn't get any of the hallucinations most experience with sleep paralysis. I also don't know how to get into a lucid dream. Any help is appreciated!

I'm very excited