So this morning, after having a full 12 hours of sleep, I woke up at 6am expecting to go to work, only to find out I have the day off. So I went back to bed, and tried for a WILD. Here are my results.

Im laying in my bed slowly feeling the sleep paralysis kick in. (I naturally experience sp, and have it about 3-4 times a week for the past 2 years. Only recently started using it to my advantage and attempt to lucid dream)
The sleep paralysis is coming and going, coming back stronger each time. This repeats until I'm in a dream.\

Unaware I'm dreaming:

Im outside of my house and it's snowing out, its early in the morning and I hear a car pull into the driveway. I quickly run up my back stairs and into my house. I run down to my room and then for some reason have the idea to do a reality check. I do the nose pinch RC to reveal to myself that I am infact dreaming.

Aware I'm dreaming:

I realize Im dreaming and walk out of my room again. I see someone sleeping on a bed outside my room, so I walk up and sit next to them (don't know who it was, it was dark but I had the feeling it was my youngest brother)
Just as I try to say hello, my words come out very unclear and I wake up.
I wake up in a state where Im in sleep paralysis in my bed. I can see my room, and I move my hand up to do another nose pinch RC. Sure enough it was a false awakening and Im still dreaming. (It wasnt a normal state of sleep paralysis. I could feel myself moving my arm to do a RC, but i couldnt see it. I was invisible) So this is when I attempted an OBE. I slowly move myself toward my tv, I can feel as if im sliding out of my body. I am now right up close to my tv (about 5 feet away in waking life) and I go to stand up. As soon as I stand up straight, all of a sudden Im back laying in my bed facing my tv in the blink of an eye. I do another RC, and the same results. Can feel the movement but cant see it. I do the same thing and move (slide) towards my tv. I get close to it and stand up. I succeed this time. I walk to my door then turn around to see what I look like or if I can see myself laying in bed. I see a pile of blankets. I walk over and lift them up to find myself laying in bed in a weird position. I think I blinked, at least thats what it felt like, and boom I woke up. This time it wasnt a false awakening.

These dreams weren't very stable because like I said, I already had about 12 hours of sleep before I did this hahaha. But anyways it was a very cool experience to say the least. Actually being able to feel myself sliding out of my own body, then see myself laying in bed.

ALSO: First post