I've about lost total intrest in lucid dreaming, the only time I think about it is when I have the perfect circumstances and I'm like "lets get WILD!"

I think it's a sign, hmmm: school, girls, guitar, lucid dreaming, and I'm sure theres plenty of other things I give up half way through learning...

I wish I got more than 1 or 2 lds every couple months, but I'm just to damn apathetic! Maybe it just isn't meant for me? At least I got a good 25 lucid dreams out of it so far since joining huh? I also got the chance of future lds, since I know how to WILD, I'm just so not intrested in taking the time to make a dream journal, attempt different techniques, do reality checks in waking life, all that stuff....

Oh and I read about that problem with that kid, what ever happened to that whole thing?

Oh yea, I lied about the sex ending