I know there's already a list like this, but it seems like people think it's time to start a new one and I personally think there's nothing wrong with a fresh start! We'll leave out the numbering in this one because it'll be endless for as long as people add suggestions to it. I also think it'll be easier for new people to skim through the suggestions if there are dots next to them.

  1. Only add serious suggestions, please.
  2. Try to stick to the dot list format.
  3. Have fun and hopefully get some inspiration!

Okay, here we go!

  • Surf this forum.
  • Find a book describing ways to cast spells using only your voice and your hands. Open it and see what you find.
  • Walk through a door expecting to find a therapist's office behind it. Sit in the chair by his desk and ask him/her to diagnose you.
  • Get yourself to where you currently live, and walk through one of your mirrors.
  • Complete the Jump Program from the film the Matrix: The Matrix, Jump Program - YouTube
  • Study your favorite movie scene very closely and then reenact it in your dream.
  • Summon a writer and ask him/her to tell you about their latest book.
  • Look at this video to give your brain some inspiration on how it feels and looks like to fly into space and then do it in your dream: Toy Robot in Space! - HD balloon flight to 95,000ft - YouTube
  • Walk on stage as the best comedian in the world; tell the worst jokes you can think of, but watch as people laugh - you're the best comedian after all.
  • Walk on stage as the best singer in the world.
  • Hug, kiss and have sex with anyone you want.
  • Eat a pill to permanently become the best person in the world at Le Parkour, and then use this ability to steal a suitcase (containing Top Secret information) from a government building. Once you're safe - open it and see what's inside.
  • Become your favorite super hero.
  • Find the center of your subconscious and ask it a question of your choice.
  • Experience a zombie apocalypse.