Hello overone, BRAND NEW here. I apologize for the VERY LONG thread that is about to ensue, but I have a few questions that I haven't seen on here. I see that a of people have the same fear I have. SLEEP PARALYSIS. I saw some threads about how to overcome the scary feeling of them, but I haden't seen much detailed information. I've never attained lucidity to my knowledge. I MIGHT have, but I'm not sure. The dream at question is I remember dreaming about having sex with some hot woman on a COD MW2 map haha. if you really care to know the map, and where exactly it was, just ask. Anyways, I remember the feeling was VERY vivid. I kind of felt like I was in control of some of the things I could do, but I didn't have complete control. I think it was just a very vivid dream, anyone think it was lucid though? One question I also have before I ask the main question of this thread is, is it possible to have the EXACT same dream twice, in seperate days? I swear i've had several dreams at least twice. One is I'm a superhero or something and I go to this house (it's actually my hosue in real life) and there's this girl who runs out and asks for my help. She's creepy as sh** so I fly away. here's kind of the weird part I guess as well, sometimes I feellike I'm SLIGHTLY in control of my dreams for seconds at a time. is that lucididty? For example in the dream I just stated, I feel be flying away from that creepy girl, but when she's in a certain range of me (she somehow keeps up with me) it's like I lose my ability to fly. Essentially she's my kryptonite lol. So when this happens, I actually in my mind try to fly (Like I'm in control all of the sudden) and then when I think too hard about trying to fly, it doesn't work. Then my dream takes over again and I can fly. So is this lucidity? And again, is it possible to have the same dream twice?

*Take a 10 minutes break ffrom reading *

Now my main question is, how do you get over the fear of sleep paralysis? To be more detailed, I'm specifically talking about overcoming the feeling of "Not being in control of your body" not the hallucinations part. I always sleep sideways, and somehow I ALWAYS face the wall whenever I happen to wake up in sleep paralysis. I find this to be a gift because if the first thing I see is a wall 2 inches from my face when I wake up in sleep paralysis, then i don't get all those demon hallucinations because my viewis immeditley blocked. Again, I HATE the feeling of not being able to be in control of my own body, so trying WILD isn't working. Just today before work at night I took a nap and I had a vivid dream of breaking up some fight between two people, and then I woke up, and all the sudden I started going into sleep paralysis (I guess again) and my hand started going numb, then my legs, and breathing got slightly harded. This feleing scares the sh** out of me. Also when I get sleep paralysis it feels like there's a crap ton of weight being placed on top of my head, so it feels like I'm being squished. And sometimes when I have dreams, I won't be able to move my neck in the dream ( and in real life) because of the sleep paralysis and i HATE that. So in my dream I'll be squished horizontally under a truck and I can't move my neck because of that, because in real life my neck is stuck in that direction because of the sleep paralysis. So because I know that I get that "Suqiushed body"/immobile neck feeling, I get scared of sleep paralysis. The numb hands to start, thw suqished feeling, harder to breathe, I jsut can't do it. But I want to VERY BADLY because I want so bad to have a lucid dream. How can i get over this? Also, I notice my dreams are a lot more vivid when I'm dead tired. Because i have two jobs, one in the morning to evening, and one the graveyard shift, I've pretty much become nocturnal. because of this, when I go to my monring job after my night job, I'm half dead because I don't get much sleep the night before, so I take naps during my work breaks. I work in a tall building, and on the lower floor there's chairs to st in, in the hall, that's the best place I;ve foind to sleep. Whenever I sleep there, I fall asleep IMMEDIATELY (Which I can never do at night) and I have VERY vivid dreams. Sometimes I wake up in sleep paralysis, or I feel I'm starting to go into it, and I have to twitch to get ouf of it, so I look like a fish out of water to people walking by in the building but it there anyway to take advantage of having vivid dreams and being able to sleep for only 15-30 minutes at a time? Is it better to lucid dream during these naps than when I sleep for 12 hours at a time. ( I sleep for 12 hours 3 days a week because the 3 other days a week I get maybe 2 hours of sleep each night, so I try to make up for it).

I apologize for the EXTREMELY long post, and the insane amount of questions, but i would love nothing more than to lucid dream. I've think I've woken up once or twice after dreaming of a place/ out space so beautiful that I couldn't hold back the tears when I woke up, and I want to experience this feeling on purpose, not accidentally once or twice in my life during a dream. So PLEASE help answers my questions. Or even just pick a question of two to answer or just the main question (overcoming sleep paralysis) and that would be just as appreciated.