So I had been using binaural and isochronic audio to help me attain lucidity with no more success than without, altho my dreams seemed alote more vivid and lasted so much longer.

My dream recall is getting alot better and I am able to remember alot more finer detail about things I would have probably forgotton come morning.

Last night I was dreaming that I was stuck between 2 cities and the only way home was via a train tht was extremely unsafe (murders etc.) and I had to take that train UNLESS i could find a pass i had for a bus... in looking for this pass around my house i suddenly said to myself "are you dreaming? if your dreaming and jump you can float" and i tried it only to land normally back on my feet so i went about this house looking thru drawers and stuff still *i think* aware of the fact I was dreaming and started making myself do other things like pick socks out a drawer and feel them and they felt real..

This is all very boring i must admit but at the time i think i was aware that if i tried to hard to prove to myself I was dreaming that i might have woken myself up so i never tried anything else and i seemed to go back into spectator mode..

Not sure if i just dreamt the whole thing but i think i was definatley more aware, especially with the feeling of dissapointment that i couldnt float.. or how real the socks felt.

thanks for reading ..