Hey everyone, how you all doing?

Well last night, i tried WILD for about 55mins...during that time i saw multi swirl, blue and hot pink colors and at one point i thought i was in this field, like an animal--almost like a dead corn field but the stuff was still standing up--but the dream was only beginning to form--like it was still black...But the thing is during that time 2 trains went by, and it wasn't that bad, but it shook my bed..and the big ass siberian Husky next door was also howling in the middle of my WILD at a point... So i eventually after--getting heated up--i could tell that WILD was working--i just need practice--i gave up...

Quick Question: Do you people ever wake up either a short time or a decent amount of time, later in the middle of the night and you question "Have i even fallen asleep?", well if so, you can relate to me..cuz it happened to me last night..like I stopped WILD at 1:45am exactly..And i woke up sometime after 2am...Now this is what happened....

[15 second dream]

I was walkin on this sidewalk, it was daylight out, and I remember seeing a big pine tree in the middle of the sidewalk--like it got knocked down during a storm or something--and I wasn't sure if I was dreamin, but im like "Am I dreaming" so to test if i was..i stuck out my hand, and I moved the PINE TREE up and out of the way off the sidewalk--I knew now that i must have been dreaming--but I may have slipped backinto the DREAM STATE, cuz what happened next....I all of a sudden had an unbrella and opened it up over my head..and rain started to fall..and i could hear the rain drops on the top of the unbrella get more VIVID as it started to rain harder...and then the Rain drops got to the point where i couldn't take it no more so i woke up...But i remember thinking to myself while the raindrops were fallen, that "I didn't wanna wake up"

My question is...Do you think it was a Lucid Dream....I mean do short ass dreams like that still count as LD's....I tested to see if i was dreaming by lifting up the pine tree and afterwards i didn't wanna leave the dream but the raindrops got so vivid and the sound of it raining cats and dogs ontop of the unbrella woke me up..but i didn't wanna wake up....

I would like to hear from some people with their opinions...I had taken B6 a couple hours before i went to bed..and i did have more dreams, that were really Vivid....
