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    1. #1
      Member Matchbook's Avatar
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      Washington State

      A *BIZZARE* kind of WILD.. is this just me?

      I don't know if this should be in the "Lucid Experiences" forum, but this isn't really so much about my experience as the phenomenon itself, so I think this is ok.

      Please Read...

      Alright, lately I've been having quite a few WILDs. But instead of having the usual vibrations and entering an LD, something much weirder happens. As soon as the vibrations of the WILD start, I begin to feel the sensation of vibrating toward the edge of my bed. Then I feel myself actually fall OFF the edge of my bed and plop on the ground. If I'm on my right side, I always fall off the right side of my bed that my back is facing, and vice versa. And THEN I feel myself vibrating across the floor, running into actual things in my room. I may hit my head on my guitar stand and then bump the doorway and go down the hall, feeling my head rubbing on the textured hallway. Or if it's the other side, I fall off the edge of my bed and become wedged down between my bed and the wall, and I feel my foot on the metal vent, which is actually COLD from the air coming through.

      Then what I will do is either wait til a dream starts, or I will push myself out of my body and find myself in my room and just go through the LD from there. But if I am in the middle of the vibrating WILD and test to see if I'm in my bed, I will twitch my foot and feel the end of my bed, and it sends me back to the top of my bed, a WEIRD sensation indeed.

      Anyway, I find this extremely bizzare, especially because of how real and accurate the sensations are. But has anyone here ever had anything similar to this, where the vibrations actually move you or push you off the bed? What may be causing this? Is it just the fact that it happened once, and now I am expecting it to happen, so it automatically happens from then on? Because of how strangely real and accurate it is, I almost suspect that it may be my dream body leaving my waking body and vibrating across the floor, although I don't really believe in those things much.

      Anyyyway, if anyone has any ideas or similar experiences, please share! Because this has been happening almost every night and really weirds me out.
      Never stop searching for truth. In your search you may think you have found it, and perhaps you have, but if you hold on tightly to a single thread it will fray and it's greater meaning will become lost. There is always more truth stretching deep beneath the surface that promises to reveal ever greater the infinite, interwoven fabric of truth, woven in the looms of Heaven.

      --Raised by Seeker--

    2. #2
      Member Matchbook's Avatar
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      Washington State
      Lol, ok this happened again last night. I woke up out of a very nice dream and realized I was still half-asleep so I decided to go for the WILD. Within seconds I had the vibrations. I fully expected to be vibrated off the bed as usual, but I concectrated on staying on it. Before long the vibrating intensified and I could no longer stay on the bed. I began to fall off so I grasped for my pillow but ended up pulling it off with me. I landed on my back and did a backward somersault, hitting my head on my closet door on the other side of my room. This jolted me awake and I had a good laugh, although still peevish that I didn't have a chance to become lucid.

      What the hell is wrong with me, lol?? This is actually turning into a nuisance.
      Never stop searching for truth. In your search you may think you have found it, and perhaps you have, but if you hold on tightly to a single thread it will fray and it's greater meaning will become lost. There is always more truth stretching deep beneath the surface that promises to reveal ever greater the infinite, interwoven fabric of truth, woven in the looms of Heaven.

      --Raised by Seeker--

    3. #3
      Join Date
      May 2005
      wow dude this is pretty crazy. Next time see how far from ur house u can get. Or just try to stand up LOL. try to imagine stuff happeneing and see if u can change the future of ur dream.
      Lucid Dreams: 3

    4. #4
      Join Date
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      Phoenix improper
      Matchbook, did this actually happen, i.e. was the pillow on the floor? I couldn't tell if you were actually dreaming.
      I do get odd vibrations, but they are more like Aquanina's (see Good Vibrations topic).

    5. #5
      Member Matchbook's Avatar
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      Washington State
      The farthest I have gotten from my bed is halfway down the hall. I am not doing anything myself, it's the vibrations. Once I am sure that I am far enough along in the WILD process I then stand up and go about the dream.

      No, I am not actually leaving my bed, and my pillow remained on my bed. It's just so weird because the sensations and SOUNDS were so convincing, that I keep believing it's really happening. Sometimes my eyes pop open, like when I saw the pillow come with me down the side of the bed. I don't see any explanation for why this would even occur, really.

      I would love to have a video recorder recording me and my room during these WILDs to see what is really happening. Maybe you'd see a little jolt of my real body as my dream body is being expelled, and then a little imprint moving across the bed and then pressing down the carpet and finally hitting the closet door, hehe. I reallyyy doubt that, but still I wonder what is really happening.

      Does anyone else ever have the sensation of being moved by vibrations? If you have not, I challege you, next time you have a WILD and feel the vibrations, think in your mind "I am going to vibrate off the edge of the bed" and see what happens. After this happened once to me, I get the feeling that it is all mental, and I keep expecting this to happen.
      Never stop searching for truth. In your search you may think you have found it, and perhaps you have, but if you hold on tightly to a single thread it will fray and it's greater meaning will become lost. There is always more truth stretching deep beneath the surface that promises to reveal ever greater the infinite, interwoven fabric of truth, woven in the looms of Heaven.

      --Raised by Seeker--

    6. #6
      Join Date
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      Phoenix improper
      Last night I remembered an incident that happened at the beginning of this year. The vibrations were quite intense. I had that drunk feeling, like you start going in one direction before you decide where you want to go. It was like something else was controlling me, rolling me around within my bed. It felt good to know something else was there looking after me.

      It was also doing me too...When I was on my back it got on top of me and started bouncing up and down. This was bad though because it was squishing my testicles and was extremely painful. I tried moving, but my arms and legs were still in sleep paralysis. It was so bad I thought I was about to pass out, when it finally stopped. I was rolled into several other positions, but I was completely passive. I wasn't moving my muscles, either.

      This ended when my dad left for work. His truck door slamming startled me. I am right over the garage, but somehow he opened and shut the door between the house and the garage, and also he opened the garage door. I wasn't mad, just glad I experienced what I did.

      In case you are wondering, for the past 9 months, to the day actually, I've had psychic abilities to feel/hear/see things that others can't. I can smell and taste on occasion, but rarely. Every night for the past 9 months, something has had it's way with me when I am stationary. Either using the computer, relaxing, laying down to sleep, or going number two. How's that for weird.

      So, it's not just you, but I think we are in a special category. How similar to my situation are you?


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