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    1. #1
      Member Lucid83's Avatar
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      Lucid Sex Tutorial

      Lets gather some "appropriate" information with out obvious sexual references from experts that would help those master this phenomenal experience.

      Any experts willing to combine their knowledge into a tutorial. Im sure you will get alot of hits on your tutorial.

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    2. #2
      Member nightowl's Avatar
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      New York/Massachusetts. College can do funny things like that
      uh.....well...i think it's pretty simple....no need for a tutorial for it in my opinion >_>

      Curiosity killed the cat but at least it didnt die an ignorant bastard

    3. #3
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      OMG, hereis my contribution, the title: 'Everything you Wanted to Know about Lucid Sex but were Afraid to ask'

      Seriously though, you guys keep it in good taste and keep it PG-13 and I'll move it to tutorials
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    4. #4
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      I'm starting to get into the swing of lucid dreaming here, increasing the frequency of them. I have quite a few dreams (not lucid, necessarily) that have sexual intentions in them. I am interested in contributing to this, give me some time to explore this.

      I find it interesting that dream orgasms are usually quite intense. I think that this can be explored, and even taught to the waking self. I will look into this. Even if this doesn't pan out, I will make note of general observances.

    5. #5
      Member Lucid83's Avatar
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      My contribution,

      Make out with the dream character and see where it goes.

      Take it slowly and easily.

      Great Idea Seeker

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    6. #6
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      The following random thoughts are supposed to be looked at as notes.
      [list]: go search through all the other threads that are related to sex, wet dreams, and are of an erotic nature.[*] Don't force yourself onto them. You two are sharing a mind...let them figure out what your are thinking.[*] Like Lucid83 said, make out. When you do, don't close your dream eyes when you kiss, it can end the dream right there.[*] Be prepared for other dream characters walking in on the two of you. It may seem rude, but don't shoo them away, just ignore them. Otherwise you may lose lucidity and/or not get to resume where you left off.[*] Theory: if I give the DC an orgasm, I will still be able to feel it, but will have a better chance for clean sheets.

    7. #7
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      Note: My dream orgasms often result in a false awakening, please remember to do a reality check. Of course, if you practice this while awake, be discrete. Your significant other may wonder why you keep trying to force your finger through your palm of pinch your nose everytime you finish sex.

      Also, I moved this into General discussion, it has gone beyond the feedback stage.
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    8. #8
      Member irishcream's Avatar
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      Where angels fear to tread...
      HA HA HA seeker...unless of course you're lucky enough to have a partner who's as into lucid dreaming as you are... although they might still get offended...
      Hmmm...interesting point to ponder.
      You know, this has just reminded me, i've heard it said that when people reach that point of no return, they always, always, wake up.
      I don't!!
      In fact, if i'm in a dream, i have this ability to just keep going!! It's like, i get to that point, and it just keeps happening, over and over, last time i was so exhausted from it, i HAD to wake up...
      Am i just lucky?
      'all of the moments that already passed/
      try to go back and make them last.'

    9. #9
      Member Lucid83's Avatar
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      [size=12]Everything you wanted to know about lucid sex but were afraid to ask.</span>

      Facts about Lucid Sex

      Physiological responses to sex in lucid dreams. A pilot study with two lucid dreamers (one male and one female) who reported experiencing sexual arousal and orgasm in lucid dreams revealed patterns of physiological activity during dream sex closely resembling those accompanying corresponding experiences in the waking state (LaBerge).

      We have often asked ourselves and we still wonder about their real effectiveness and the experiment of sex in lucid dreams gives us a partial answer. In lucidity imagination has the power of a real event and since it is hard to have an orgasm only based on imagination when one is awake, we can already say that the power of imagination is low (2 or 3 in a scale from 1 to 10) in alert wakefulness, while it scores ten in lucid dreaming. Hypnosis is midway between these two. In some highly hypnotizable individuals it can give rise to reactions that closely resemble those that would cause a real event, though this power is greater in already experienced events than in those that are imagined without being based on a recollection (Margnelli).

      Lucid dreams allow us to take control of our fantasies, our dreams, and do anything we want. So, we can have sex with whomever we want. For many, attaining lucid dreams may act as an escape from reality and this can be because of loneliness. Thus, having sex with someone would be all the more intriguing because of the above.~ Michael O\'nus

      Summoning a Partner

      It takes two to tango. Here are some ways to summon a partner.

      Television Method - Find a TV, tune it to the station you want (given that it works) and fly into it. Start talking with the Dream Character that you want to have sex with.

      Door Method - Approach a door, and open it and will that the person behind the door will be a Dream Character who will have sex with you.

      Picture Method - Find a picture of a girl or guy to have sex with and fly into the picture. Imagine that the picture is zoomable.

      House Method - Go inside some neighbors houses and find a dream character.

      Spinning Method - Spin with your eyes open or closed and imagine a dream chracter appearing.

      Dream Guide Method - Summon your dream guide and ask for a parner, or morph your dream guide into a partner.

      CD Method - Listen to a CD with your favorite artist and let the music enter your dream as you dream about the artist you want to have sex with.

      Movie Method - Watch a movie and impress a picture of a parner in your mind while you are lucid.

      Making Out

      An effective way to have orgasm with out intercourse


      Slowly but surely


      I have only partially been here.

      <span style="color:red">Contributions

      Michael O'nus

      Possibly one of the greatest genetical motivations any living creature has is to pass on ones genes.

      It comes as no surprise that many would fanatasise, especially in a lucid dream, about having sex with someone (or something). This is because due to our sophisticated and intellectual world, we can't so actively and instinctively have sex with anyone we want.

      Unlike the old caveman times where you could just render a woman unconscious and then have your way with her, or just have your way with her, or vice versa, there's now all these interviews and work that has to be done (ugh.. lol).

      For those that are single or heart broken, sexual dreams could be quite often. This is because being lonely strikes fear into almost every creatures mind. "Oh no! I can't have children! My sole purpose of existance on Earth!" is being threatened. Thus, we will then fantasise about it, because it is, inevtiably (and for a majority of cases) the biggest stressful problem in someones life; being lonely.

      For those with broken hearts, it can give them a sense of temporary love and comfort. This is incredibly common with prostitutes that first initially sell themselves out of depression, because they have either come from broken homes, or a loveless family (I stress, common, not all the time). This is because many of these people will see sex as the epitome of relationship purpose and the cause of relationships, or it resembles the purpose of love. Unfortunate how their ideal vision for love is what will cause them much stress in attaining true love.. My heart will always go out and care for those who are sent down this dejectful path..

      Lucid dreams allow us to take control of our fantasies, our dreams, and do anything we want. So, we can have sex with whomever we want. For many, attaining lucid dreams may act as an escape from reality and this can be because of loneliness. Thus, having sex with someone would be all the more intriguing because of the above.


      Freud claimed that dreams reflect our drives that would otherwise be unacceptable, or impossible. Sexual content, he claims, is visible beneath the surface of most dreams. However, recent investigation into sexual content in dreams reveals that only 1/10 men and 1/30 women report sexual content when awakened in REM sleep (Domhoff, 1996).

      The other two main theories are of course:

      1) Information processing--is has been known for a long time that REM sleep facilitates memory (MvGrath & Cohen, 1978). Perhaps sexual content in dreams is a result of being exposed to sexual content in the recent past and the dream is simply sifting and sorting recent experiences into place in your memory.


      When it comes to sexual experiences in lds i tend to find that dc's normally want to comply with your wishes, and also tend to aprehand ur expectations.

      As everyone knows about there being great potenial in lds, there also is for sexual experiences, for example being able to have sex with absolutely anyone you wish, and being able to have amazing orgasms behond normal reality, who says you have to be limited to one orgasm or even climax and since your lding, its you who knows what you truly want!

      2) Activation-synthesis--this theory states that neural activity is random and dreams are the brain's attempt to make sense of it. Because the limbic system (largely associated with emotions) is also activated with REM sleep, sexual content may arise from a craving-like feeling, perhaps loneliness.

      Noople Bear

      "Oftentimes the physiological effects on the brain and body of dream activities are nearly identical to the effects of experience in waking life. E.G., one's gaze in a dream corresponding to the eye movements of R.E.M., dreaming breathing corresponding to actual respiration etc. there's research behind this. check out 'Lucid Dreaming' by Stephen LaBerge. And besides, In 90% of my dream sex experiences [lucid and non-lucid], upon dream orgasm I end up creaming in my pants in real life. and it sucks because that's when i wake up and I have to change."

      Well these things are not always true. First of all, other than your eye movement, all of your muscles are paralyzed during REM sleep, as anyone who has ever woken up (or tried to awaken from a nightmare) to find themselves paralyzed will tell you. This is a freak lucid experience (somewhat common for those involuntarily experiencing it, and those with narcolepsy) that gives the dreamer an (often terrifying) window into a unique biological advantage; namely, that when you dream of, say, running, your arms and legs aren't thrashing about potentially injuring you. Personally, I even found it near impossible to open my eyes or cry out for help.

      Similarly, breathing in a dream does not match your real breathing. I refer again to the "awareness during sleep paralysis / hypnamompic/gogic hallucination" experience I describe above. There might be a crushing weight on the chest making breathing difficult or impossible and adding to the terror. You try to breathe but cannot; what you are really doing is TRYING to make your real body breathe from the point of view of your dream body. Since your real body isn't responding "in-time" to your demands, the illusion in your panicked state is that you aren't breathing at all, when in fact you are, but at a different rate.

      Wet dreams seem to transcend this paralysis while dreaming. Then again, we aren't dealing with skeletal muscles (just the PVC muscle that creates the orgasmic contractions), and of course the penis is not a muscle so unaffected, as evidenced by its almost contant erect state during periods of REM sleep. But wet dreams are typically non-lucid. I've also had non-lucid and non-wet sex dreams (not many, mind you). Is the goal here to lucidly trigger (at least for the males) a wet dream, or just a sex dream? Given it is possible, can you control which of the two are happening? I mean, if you FEEL the orgasm in your dream, how do you know you aren't really ejaculating?

      I used to compare this to bedwetting, but of course this doesn't work for many reasons. First of all, bedwetting happens in deep, non-REM dreamless sleep. The explanation for dreams of being in water or urinating is that they happen AFTER the accident when the cold wet sheets slightly arouse the sleeper into dream REM sleep, which constructs a dream explaining the sensations of wetness.

      BUT.... I HAVE had dreams of urinating which (fortunately) have not led to me wetting the bed. In some cases my wet dreams felt a lot like urinating, or having to. So I guess what happens IN REALITY (wet with semen or urine or dry bed) is not predictable even when you are in control of the dream content, and so a risk you have to take. I only once read about lucid exercises rarely causing a bedwetting accident.

      Distant Clone

      [list]: go search through all the other threads that are related to sex, wet dreams, and are of an erotic nature.[*] Don't force yourself onto them. You two are sharing a mind...let them figure out what your are thinking.[*] Like Lucid83 said, make out. When you do, don't close your dream eyes when you kiss, it can end the dream right there.[*] Be prepared for other dream characters walking in on the two of you. It may seem rude, but don't shoo them away, just ignore them. Otherwise you may lose lucidity and/or not get to resume where you left off.[*] Theory: if I give the DC an orgasm, I will still be able to feel it, but will have a better chance for clean sheets.


      Howetzer wrote:
      Even if you are obligated to somoene and you would never cheat on then (in waking life) I think LDs could be a safe alternative to bottoling up sexual tension that does acccur from time to time. *
      This outlet could actually prevent you from dining it , no?
      Couldn't agree more. If it's a one or two time thing I can only see it as normal. I've done stuff in my dreams which would have me killed on earth, but I don't bottle it up and get depressed about it. It's a release we all need. Think about the guy who's too ashamed to admit he's a homo and ends up killing himself because he can't come to terms with it? The only thing wrong with it is that in his mind, it's shameful. Imagine if we had to maintain this sense of control in our dream state. Our minds are the only place we can really be unrestricted. If it's a case where one continually dreams about another person in particular (yet has a partner), it's definitely something he/she needs to confront. Morality only works so far. When it interferes with emotion, well, picture morality as Hiroshima and emotion as the bomb .

      Taboo Sex

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    10. #10
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Originally posted by irishcream
      You know, this has just reminded me, i've heard it said that when people reach that point of no return, they always, always, wake up.
      I don't!!
      In fact, if i'm in a dream, i have this ability to just keep going!! *It's like, i get to that point, and it just keeps happening, over and over, last time i was so exhausted from it, i HAD to wake up...
      Am i just lucky?
      Irishcream, I've had sex in both lucid and non-lucid dreams and have experienced/completed orgasm in both.
      Unfortunately, in both types of dreams, orgasm usually results in my waking up (i.e., I come.. the dream goes).

    11. #11
      Member irishcream's Avatar
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      Where angels fear to tread...
      Originally posted by Clairity

      Irishcream, I've had sex in both lucid and non-lucid dreams and have experienced/completed orgasm in both. *
      Unfortunately, in both types of dreams, orgasm usually results in my waking up (i.e., I come.. the dream goes). * *
      lucky you, tell me your secret!!
      'all of the moments that already passed/
      try to go back and make them last.'

    12. #12
      Member Matchbook's Avatar
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      Usually after achieving climax I immediately wake up, but recently I experienced for the first time the pleasure of climaxing and continuing on with the LD. I was amidst an odd sort of sexual escapade with a morphing female when I finally orgasmed. At this point I knew I'd probably wake up, but wanted to stay asleep and continue on. So I breathed slowly and looked around and focussed on what was going on around me. Immediately after this climax bright colors and swirls zoomed around me in psychedelic patterns, apparently to illustrate the feeling. I concentrated on staying asleep and did, and then it turned into a Star Wars theme from there for some reason.

      My tips on staying asleep after climax are as follows:

      Breathe slowly

      Immediately focus on your surroundings, look around

      Do not close your eyes

      Instantly get up and move around

      Keep in mind that if you wake up you may easily wake up in a FA, so be ready to stay still and enter another LD
      Never stop searching for truth. In your search you may think you have found it, and perhaps you have, but if you hold on tightly to a single thread it will fray and it's greater meaning will become lost. There is always more truth stretching deep beneath the surface that promises to reveal ever greater the infinite, interwoven fabric of truth, woven in the looms of Heaven.

      --Raised by Seeker--

    13. #13
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      Originally posted by irishcream

      lucky you, tell me your secret!!
      I wish I knew but I think Matchbook gave some great advice on how to stay lucid afterwards!

    14. #14
      Member irishcream's Avatar
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      Where angels fear to tread...
      its' funny, dreams involving that for me are usually lucid, i dont' even have to question it...i think what i need to do, is ask myself what i did differently before i went to sleep!
      'all of the moments that already passed/
      try to go back and make them last.'

    15. #15
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      my contribution: practice with the same character for a while

      that way, you don't get too excited every time (because you already "had" him/her), and you can practice different stuff

    16. #16
      Member Samwise's Avatar
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      that chick is so fine in ur avatar

    17. #17
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      I had some success last night. I had a wake induced dream in which I ejaculated. I had another dream where I made a DC orgasm.

      In all three dreams that I've orgasmed, I was not excited. Twice I was scared (something was forcing me to orgasm). The other time, I knew I was going to make a mess out of my sheets, but I was indifferent (in the dream).

      If you can think in the dream, just think what you are about to do is going to cause an orgasm, and it may.

      I have an idea for a research experiment. I'll give myself a couple more days to try and control this idea of mine. Then if it goes well, I'll post in the appropriate forum and link in this thread. If you are curious it will involve waking up middle of the night, fantasizing, playing with yourself (not the genitals, though), and falling right into a dream.


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