Hi Guys

Its been a while since ive posted here - when i joined this forum i knew nothing about the experiences ive been going through and the members here have helped me experience something sublime ...

Okay if you guys see my first few posts, i never knew how to enter a lucid dream or control these vibrations that i was having.

Anyway this is whats been happening to me lately, i usually sleep around 11pm and if i fall asleep before this like for just for a few minutes ( while watching tv or relaxing in the lounge), when i then wake up and go to bed is when these vibrations take over me. This happens 99% of the time. Anyway ive tried waking up from these vibrations to go enter a lucid dream but i just couldnt do it. My body would just vibrate and that ringing noise would just continue, i will know that im am in a lucid state but i just couldn't get past that.

2 nights ago this happened again and this time i was more determined than ever, i got the vibrations and the weird noise, and i literally just forced myself to wake up like i just used all my strength to burst out of bed. What happened next amazed me, i woke up from bed not sure if i was dreaming or what and tried to walk backwards slowly through my room wall to see if i was dreaming or not i tried and tried but couldnt then this guy from no where comes to me and says relax and just fall back he will catch me, i did this and i fell through my room wall. i started jumping from roof top to roof top for no reason lol but i still couldnt really control it! why???

i then woke up shortly after that and ya thats pretty much my story !
My biggest problem is waking up from that vibration state anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Thanks in advance guys