Hello! I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong place, or has already been answered (forgive the newb). From past experiences, I've lucid dreamed better when I'm completely calm and still. In good spirit of my Resolution, I decided last night to try to stay completely still in hopes of entering a lucid dream. It's no walk in the park for me, as I am very restless at night, but I managed to stay still for what seemed like a long time. I don't remember falling asleep, but an hour later I woke up. I went back to sleep after 40 minutes or so. I did dream and remembered it, but no lucid. So my question is: In sleep paralysis, are you always 100% conscious, or can you enter paralysis without knowing it? My reasoning behind this question is that I didn't move, fell asleep, and woke up in the same position. I know paralysis isn't necessary for lucid, but I'm just curious as to why I didn't experience, or at least to my knowledge. Sorry if this is a stupid or confusing question, haha! Thanks