It's been a very long time since I dived into lucidity as well as the concept and reality of it all and I truly had some amazing experiences. Going over the old dream journals which had years and months of logs and stories filled with dream characters, creatures and amazing lands. I ultimately decided to dive back into it. I reordered some old books I had once owned but given away to people who I thought would appreciate them but have come to miss them myself.

Although, since my three year absence from practicing these ritualistic reality checks and the constant journaling, I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder at the age of 26 and am on day six of an anti psychotic known as Abilify. Thankfully psychosis isn't a worry or cause, I was just tired of being depressed all the time and decided to do something about it. The newest speculation and second opinion is that it might actually be Dysthymia, though honestly I'm seeing it more than likely being Bipolar 2 but it's probably to soon to tell as this is new to me.

So to the few questions I have because lucidity definitely helped negate the negative brain noise.

Are there any new techniques out for lucid dream induction, or even dream incubation?

Something I'm really curious about is, experience with mental disorders, as well as the medicine prescribed for them did they change your dreams drastically?

Have there been any new studies?

I love to read so I have to ask about any new books or authors. I have Stephen LaBerg's, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. The Secret History of Dreams by Robert Moss, as well as Godwin's Waking Guide for the Traveler Between Worlds. What are your must reads?