So here is how one of my dreams went a couple of days ago:
As a note this was just taken straight from my dream journal so I have little notes to myself in there

I walk up a set of steep stairs and at the top is a security guard by a door. He asks for I.D. so I show him 2 cards, my citizen card and another card (I’m not sure what it was). The security guard checks them and then takes me into this room. The room was decorated for Christmas and in the middle was a small pile of cardboard boxes each with a gift inside. I could choose one. The gifts were a PS1 (the smaller one), Kameo Elements of Power for the N64 (3 cartridges, US, UK and Japanese version), a James bond game bundled with something, a newspaper (dailymail? Not in a box) and something else. Someone else walks in but the Guard tells him its still my turn. I looked at all of them and chose Kameo because it would tide me over till the Xbox 360. The security guard thanks me and I do the same. The security guard shows me the way out and on the way I see a room looking exactly like my en suite downstairs except decorated for Christmas. The room I have to go through to get out is exactly like my kitchen except its decorated for Christmas and by the clock is a massive tree, I was amazed and looked at it. The security guard gives me 1 piece of popcorn and told me to give it to Holly Shaw. Then the security guard says the tree is amazing but there isn’t a faerie at the top (!-Holly?) As I was leaving the guard said to me “See you on Wednesday!”

Now its wednesday, so im wondering if anyone has experienced something where someone in their dream said to them "see you on *insert day here*" and actually has?