Hi everyone,

I hope this is the place for me to put this.

I am wondering if anyone here has the same or similar experiences to me in this matter. I also hope those with the same/similar experiences can provide with me answers/theories/speculations.

I also welcome answers/theories/speculations from those without such experiences.

Here's what happened to me recently:
1) I was drifting off to sleep (as I was doing so, I chanted my Buddhist meditation mantra.......I was sort of meditating myself to sleep actually)......then suddenly I noticed some lines of light (I think).......then this part I am reasonable certain of: I saw an eye looking back at me. It was in a greenish/luminous sort of colour. I thought to myself very quickly: Could I be seeing a reflection of my own eye when my eyelids are closed? Is this possible? Then I opened my eyes to discontinue seeing the (for lack of a better word) 'vision'.

2) Just before or after this incident (don't quite remember the sequence now), more or less I did the same thing and saw what could be described as petals or chrysanthemum flowers (black in colour in a background of white/light). They looked like branches from a tree. Okay, "petals and chrysanthemum flowers" are just my own description to give you all an idea of what I saw. They were definitely in some kind of discernible pattern. I was shocked when I saw this, and so, I opened my eyes (to confirm I was still awake). Satisfied that I was awake, I closed my eyes again, and saw the patterns again, but there weren't so many of the petals this time.

3) I also noticed that just before I go deeper into the sleep state, I have noticed the I-Ching symbol of 3 horizontal lines. I opened my eyes on 2 occasions after experiencing this, to prevent myself from going into a deeper sleep state.

Any comments/explanations would be welcomed