Does anyone work a night shift job?

Is it permanent night shift or swing shift?

For those that work night shift, does sleeping during the day hinder you in dreaming in general?

Do you get enough hours of sleep at one stretch in order to have several dreams?

Does it effect your recall?

I work permanent night shift four nights per week. After I get home, I sleep from about 9:30 a.m. to about 1:30 p.m. I only recall dreaming about a third of the time. (Sometimes I sleep two to three hours in the evening as well.)
Apparently I don't sleep long enough for the longer REM cycles to be present.

(I must admit too, that sometimes when I get home, remembering my dreams is not foremost in my mind. A little extra effort is in order.)

When I'm back to my first night of sleeping, it seems I have a slight dream rebound.