Im not sure whether this is a conincedence or if theres some relevance but one night, because reality checks tend not to work for me in dreams,I took a new route and decided that unless proven (by doing extensive rc's) otherwise I was always in a dream. Well that night I went lucid 3 times. The first was through getting a sense of being a dream and doing a couple of rc's. The third I got the same feeling of being in a dream and decided to do a couple of rc's. Only those worked out like they would in real life. I was about to give up when I thought of what I had said earlier in the night and eventually the reality check worked and I knew I was in a dream.

While im here anyone in their non lucid dream ever hoped they werent dreaming? In the first lucid dream mentioned above, these two really good looking girls were pracitcally begging mefor my phone number. So I gave it to them, then for some reason the thought I was dreaming crossed my mind and my thought was "Oh God, I hope this isnt a dream" I did a reality check, I was in a dream.