• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2006

      Interesting connection

      I read this book recentley which mentioned lucid dreaming.

      It was about the future, in which synthetic drugs had become incredibly advanced and addicting. In this world the most popular drug was something that allowed the user to experience full lucid dreams.

      Originally invented by college students at MIT trying to study for midterms in their sleep, the drug allowed the user to instantly recognize that they were in a lucid dream, regardless of what night it was or their present state of mind. The drug also had an amazing ability to make the user perceive that their dream had lasted for decades, and in an eight-hour night, the user experienced twenty years of completley lucid and controlled dreams.

      the college students used all of this time not only to study for their midterms, but develop new theories of physics with the infinite resources and complete control of reality that they had in their dreams.

      However, the drug had the nasty habit of being incredibly addictive, and if the user skipped two nights without taking it, they would fall into a coma and die some days later. The users, however, didn't care about this, because to them it seemed like they went twenty years before taking another hit.

      Soon the drug spread so fast and became so popular that the government was forced to legalize it, and passed it out to every home that had an addict free of charge...and it completley ruined the populace.

      People no longer cared about the waking world, and they began to see their lives only in terms of the twenty year dreams that they had every night. Children became as adults overnight, inexperienced yet ambitious people became amazing leaders from the experiences of dictating their entire dream universes for decades on end...yet the world decayed from the lack of caring. People would simply wake up, pop a sleeping pill and the drug, and go back to bed....

      Just something to think about

    2. #2
      Member dreamtamer007's Avatar
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      Mar 2005
      New Jersey
      People no longer cared about the waking world, and they began to see their lives only in terms of the twenty year dreams that they had every night.
      Sounds good
      All intelligent creatures Dream
      LD's 12 And counting..
      I do not wish to hear about the moon from someone who has not been there.
      Mark Twain

    3. #3
      Dreamer Barbizzle's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2004
      Boston, Massachusetts, United States
      sounds fasinating. what was the name of the book?
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      "Dreams are as portals. Flat visions of misty places. But I can write dreams!" - Myst Uru

    4. #4
      Member Scruffy's Avatar
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      Seattle, WA
      Do you know the title and author? It sounds like a very interesting book. Not only that, but wanting to spend their entire life in and LD is a real problem for some people. Lucid dreaming has the capacity to be everything we want, save for rewarding in itself. Without the real world, lucid dreaming ceases to have any special significance.
      Well life is short, so love the one ya' got, 'cause you might get run over or you might get shot.


    5. #5
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      It was called Futureland. Not sure about the author. This little bit was only present for a paragraph in the intro, he didn't really delve into it much. Most of the book was about racisim and black supremecy (a fact which I had no idea of until I started going further into the book), and I eventually lost interest in the clearly political and allegorical nature of the book. (For instance, the book is repulsingly and shockingly ended by a virus which kills all white people, invented by a "computer designer named Gill Bates"...or something of that nature ). I just thoght some of the points were interesting...but the book was absolutley terrible.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Oct 2005
      That almost makes me want to read it. But sadly, I think I will decline. But I thank you for relaying the best part of the book . *hug*

      Is http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/044661073...5Fencoding=UTF8 <this it?

      I dont think it is... but it might be.

      "If temptation assails you with cruel force, overcome it by impersonal analysis and indomitable will. Every natural passion can be mastered." - Sri Yukteswar

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Feb 2006

    8. #8
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      I've read a book with a similar storyline. A world similar to earth, but with better techonology, have created a Virtual Reality machine called Lifelight. Their world is crumbling to bits, they're addicted. They dont even have to come out for food etc.

      But then the good guys introduce a virus, and it's more like a Nightmare than a LD in there


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