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    1. #1
      Member SidelineWarrior's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Copperas Cove to San Antone Tejas

      Re-occuring dream

      i've been having some messed up dreams lately
      this is the only one i remember
      probably because i've had it before

      last night was the first time i've had it in.... probably a year or so.... but i've had it maybe five or six times over all

      The dream starts out at my grandma's house. I have alot of dreams at this house, maybe because my family was military, and we moved around alot, so that was the only house that stayed the same throughout my life. In every dream there is always a celebration of some sort. I doesn't really matter what, and i don't remember what it was this time. but we always have lots of people over. sometimes my cousins, sometimes a bunch of friends. this time it was my friends. here's a quick schematic of the house just incase you care. you come in the front door and pass the front living room, then you enter the midway point between the main living room on the left, and the kitchen on the right. on the far left is the laundry room and the garage. on the far right is all of the bedrooms.
      i sleep in the front living room on a blow up mattress. my brother sleeps in the farthest back bedroom. The purple room. For some reason the carpet is purple. God knows why. Everything is great, lots of friends, lots of good food. on the last night of the celebration (usually two nights into it) my brother mentions a dead body he has under his bed. i don't know if he's joking or for real. i pay it no mind. the next morning when we are getting ready to go, i'm in the back room picking up stuff, and i see a foot partially hanging out from under the bed. i look and see the body of young girl, my brother's age, about 18 this time, the age changes as our age does throughout the different dreams. she looks like she had been severly malnutritioned before she died. all skin and bones. so i lock the door. i try to move her. (i would do anything for my brother, he's my younger brother, and only other sibling, so i feel it is my job to help him out and hide the body, not that i could have hid it anymore that it already was). Then right as i touch her, she stirs. it scares the crap out of me. i figure she was someone my brother tried to kill, so decide to kill her to hide any evidence. so i strangle her. i wait for a few minutes to make sure she's dead. about this time, my mom knocks on the door. (usually it's my mom, i think it was my grandma once, and my aunt once). i cover everything up and go out and talk to her. i close the door behind me and continue getting ready to leave. i come back a few minutes later and try to move the body again. she stirs again.
      she starts crying so i cover up her mouth
      and then try to break her neck. i figure, since she didn't die last time, i should twist her head almost all the way around for good measure. my mom knocks on the door again. I go to talk to her and as i'm leaving i'm about to close the door.
      i can feel my mom's eyes wondering at me
      (in our house, we rarely close doors, especially if no one is in them) i felt them the first time too, but i knew i couldn't get away with it twice. so i decide to leave it open, and her questioning eyes stop questioning. so i go and pack some more stuff. throughout this whole time i haven't seen my brother. not a big suprise with all the people. plus he could have had to run an errand somewhere. but i finally see him. i go up to him, and at the same time his eyes get real wide
      he says, "you left the door open!". as i turn around, i see the girl walking out of the room. but she's not malnutritioned, she's a normal, quite attractive girl.
      me and my brother rush over there, but right as we get there our mom comes out of the room from across the hall. the girl greets my mom and says that she is a friend of my brother. conversation goes on, and i'm freakin out cause i figured she would try to tell the police on us. after a few minutes of talking my mom wonders how she got in the back bedroom without anyone else seeing her. (most of the guest's camped outside. the house was mostly for family). she finally puts together that she stayed the night in my brother's room. (we're baptists and she REALLY frowns on letting a girl stay the night) which is wierd cause there were other girls at the party, but i guess it was because none of them slept in the house. so she starts getting pissed
      and she remembers that i was constantly in that room, and with the door locked. so now she knows that i knew. so she's pissed at me too. then my brother and the girl say that they love each other. and that REALLY wierds me out. Because i haven't had a chance to talk to my brother, i had no idea why she was under the bed and all malnutritioned looking. so after a while of repremands, i pretty much say "Whatever" and walk away from my mom and dad and grandparents, who join in on the yelling. i go out and talk to a couple friends who are still straggling about, sometimes getting ready to leave, othertimes, still asleep.
      All small talk, nothing of what just happened. occasionally i see the girl talking to some of the people still hanging around, always at a distance, and she never looks my way. I wanted to apologize. but i couldn't bring myself to go up to her. eventually my brother comes out and he has a disappointed look in his face. i can tell he knows what i did, but he doesn't say anything. i ask about what's happening with mom, and he tells me that mom is just in her normal bitchy mood and she'll get over it. i ask him if the girl was still there because i wanted to talk to her (i wanted to apologize, but i didn't want to bring up what i needed to apologize for). he said that, no, she had already left. and although the dream ends there, something tells me that i'll never see her again.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      that is a weird one.

      Here is my analysis.... You have frustrations towards your mother because she bosses you around and tries to control your sex life. You are angry as you should be because you have to leave your door open in your house. What are your parents thinking with this rule. It is some absurd rule trying to make them be in control. Do they think you are going to worship satan and shoot herion in there? I have heard of other peoples parents having this rule and it is stupid. At the instance you are killing this girl in the bedroom she symbolizes your mother. Your house is crowded because all these people have invaded your private life. It sounds like you may not have a place to go to be by yourself which, is a good thing to have, being away from everyone. Maybe another reason all these people are here and they happen to be your friends and family is because you miss all of them and want to be with them. Maybe you wish everyone could just be friends and quit moving around(due to military) and just chill. The girl when she is skin and bones means you have needed to deal with this old problem but have not. When you say 'whatever' in the dream and walk away you don't deal with the problems. Next time you have this dream you should speak up and tell them how you feel and how it is going to be.
      using no way as a way, using no limitations as a limitation


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