With all my lucid training, I've found non LD's to be a lot more vivid and detailed than they used to be, I guess a lot of you can relate to that. I thought this was pretty neat until this morning. I had a dream I was jumped by a bunch of kids while walking down the road. They beat me up and knocked me unconscious. Everytime they hit me, I felt it and it hurt. A lot. I 'woke up' from my unconsciousness in a house somewhere, hurting and pretty terrified. I thought it was over but as soon as I left the room, the people were still waiting for me. They went on to pretty much torture me (that's no overstatement). They stuck pens into my flesh and tore the flesh open, repeatedly kicked me in the crotch, beat me, kicked me, broke my nose and probably a few other things. It didn't hurt as much as it would have in real life but believe me, it was enough to make the whole thing excruchiating (sp?), which wasn't helped by the fact this wasn't a short dream (I had it at about 10 in the morning so it was probably a fairly long rem cycle). I woke up after they'd finished and all the pain was gone but it still scared the hell out of me. If I'd had a dream like this 6 months ago, I wouldn't have remembered a thing and would have just woken up feeling scared. As it was I spent the whole day shook up and pretty freaked out. Anyone else found any 'adverse' effects to the increase in detail and vividness?