• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member cecile's Avatar
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      . Has anyone here mastered ...

      Has anyone mastered the technique of going straight into a lucid dream?
      Can anyone stay conscious from the time you lay down in your bed to when your dream starts?
      Kind of like the dream yogis

      If anyone can do this...
      I want to hear about it
      what's it like?

    2. #2
      Led is offline
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      If I told you, I would have to kill you.
      You mean like a WILD?
      several people can do this. I have not been able to do it yet. It is supposed to be really cool, because you go directly from the waking state to a LD.

    3. #3
      Member Jupilér's Avatar
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      I can.
      i did WILD several times..
      you first get into SP, but you will notes everything that happends, and then you will enter your dream, but I would not try that jet if i where you..
      first try the basic things, DILD, MILD that kind of stuff.

      DILD count since joining: 44

      WILD count:27

      ''It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

    4. #4
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      i think she means like laying down at 9 PM and just laying there until you get into your first REM stage (staying concious through all the stages leading up to it)

    5. #5

      Mastering Lucid Dreams

      [b]I know this may seem odd, but I mastered lucid dreams when I was about seven. I really don't know if it's common or not I just remeber when I was young and I had a nightmare I would simply change it to something more cheerfull. The feeling is not that remarkable to me because I have been doing it all me life, but it feels like switching a chanel in my mind, it's just simple for me. Frankly, when I was younger I thought anyone could do it. 8)

    6. #6
      Member Radiant's Avatar
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      But that's not a lucid dream. Being able to change a dream is getting there, but not quite lucid yet.

    7. #7
      Member adamhill87's Avatar
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      Yer, Lucid state is KNOWING you're awake, however, to be able to change things suggests you know the reality of the dream world isn't real, so who knows! why is it that people seem most lucid in nightmares!? As for the going straight into LDs from the moment u go to bed is unlikely, i think, as dreaming i dictated by REM cycles, and these are far and few in the early stages of sleep, WILD is the closest to doing this, which is a wonderful experience, once you can do it, but these happen in the early morning, when REM is sufficient enough
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake" - Thoreau

      LD's since joining = 33

    8. #8
      Member danbarber's Avatar
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      WILD after a few hours sleep I've done a few times, many people can.

      But doing it at 10:30 pm is a different story, I think I did manage once while experimenting with the brainwave generator thing. But I don't recall any transition at all, either I went instantly into REM, or I became lucid as soon as I got there.
      Recent Dream journal note : I was swallowed by some kind of sea-snake thing

    9. #9
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      Re: . Has anyone here mastered ...

      Originally posted by cecile
      Has anyone mastered the technique of going straight into a lucid dream?
      Can anyone stay conscious from the time you lay down in your bed to when your dream starts?
      Kind of like the dream yogis

      If anyone can do this...
      I want to hear about it
      what's it like?
      I've noticed that the same induction techniques are now being used by both the Lucid Dreaming People and the Out of Body Astral Projection People.

      Well, my thinking that that Dreams are integrally connected to the REM Sleep Cycles. Dreams, after all, are Dreams, aren't they?

      But Out of Body Travel and Astral Projection are not so connected to Dreaming.

      So if one wants to go from Waking immediately into some Altered State, then would not Astral Projection be the preferred option?

      It is largely supposed that Astral Projection and Out of Body Work involve only the Material Plane -- the Actual World, when actually, the Astral and Spiritual Planes, as well as the darker demonic spheres, are all subsumed by the possible span of Experiences. Indeed, in many of my Lucid Dreams, I have no doubt but that I am actually off in some realm of the Collective Consciousness that exists independently of my own limited existence. It is the same as for an Astral Projecter who has gone to some Higher Spiritual Realm.

      The most significant commonality between Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection and Out of Body Work is in the importance of Sleep Paralysis. In both Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection, Sleep Paralysis is recognized as the gateway into the desired Condition.

      Now, consider, if the Same Door leads into both the Room called Lucid Dreaming, and the Room called Astral Projection, then might it not be the Same Room, but two different sets of People are describing, categorizing and conceptualizing the same things from different sets of prior assumptions?

    10. #10
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      i think they may be the same thing....I have only one question though. Is AP a lucid dream that you know your out of your body BUT dont know that your in a dream? Like is it a lucid dream thats not a lucid dream at all? Its hard to describe. You know your out of your body and that you are counsicous but you do not believe that its a dream?
      ld's since joining....28
      dreams are real while they last, what more can be said about life??
      Adopted: SuperDuck

    11. #11
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      I can't speak from experience on either account, but I am pursuing each. From what I read and understand they seem to be two different things. The first reason that I started believing in the AP is the sheer amount of similarities between people's experiences (filtering out the BS of course), such as not being able to affect material objects, walls feeling like hard jelly, the actual feeling of falling out of body onto the floor. Most people said that they couldn't cause anything other than walking through things and flying, no matter how much they believed that they could, unlike in higher level LDs. Unless of course they were having a bad LD, hah. I was shocked when reading about WILDs, though, because the process is exactly the same as AP, from HI to sleep paralysis to the vibrations. Regardless I've achieved neither, not yet at least, so I only speak vicariously through other's experiences.

      - -Barrett

    12. #12
      Member nina's Avatar
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      I've had many WILDs. I'm not exactly sure about the existence of AP...but if it exists...I've done it. To me it's the difference between going through SP and HI into a lucid dream...and struggling out of SP...so that you are in fact walking around in what seems to be a FA. I dunno, I've had lots of strange experiences in that trancelike state between SP and LDs. I think there's something more there than most people would like to think.

    13. #13
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      Well last night I was on the edge of falling asleep, and started having very short dreams. I could feel myself in my bed, breathing, trying to fall asleep, with my eyes closed, but at the same time dreaming. These short dreams very quickly gave me a strange feeling, which I could feel because I was still conscious, and which I woke myself up from quite quickly. I think if I just would have let it happen, I would have gone lucid. This happened like 5 or 6 times I think before I fell asleep. Wether I had a lucid dream at that point and forgot it, or just a regular dream, or no dream, I don't know. This is all happening about 20 minutes after I went to bed at around 2:30 AM. So yeah, I think it would have happened, even though I only even learned of lucid dreams yesterday.

    14. #14
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      Originally posted by dropout14
      i think they may be the same thing....I have only one question though. Is AP a lucid dream that you know your out of your body BUT dont know that your in a dream? Like is it a lucid dream thats not a lucid dream at all? *Its hard to describe. You know your out of your body and that you are counsicous but you do not believe that its a dream?
      If you think you are Dreaming, then the Experience is a Lucid Dream. But if you think you are Astrally Projecting, then you think you are out of the body.

      Just the other week I had a Lucid Dream, but I had gone into the Lucid State of Mind in the dream when, in the plot of the Dream I had 'projected' out of my body.... so I thought I was Astrally Projecting.

      But in either State, the Clarity of Consciousness and the ability to make informed choices remains the same.

      The labels 'Lucid Dreaming' or 'Astral Projection' apply only to the assumptions being carried into the Experience.

    15. #15
      Join Date
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      Originally posted by Aquanina
      I've had many WILDs. I'm not exactly sure about the existence of AP...but if it exists...I've done it. To me it's the difference between going through SP and HI into a lucid dream...and struggling out of SP...so that you are in fact walking around in what seems to be a FA. I dunno, I've had lots of strange experiences in that trancelike state between SP and LDs. I think there's something more there than most people would like to think.
      Oh, yes, certainly, especially in your case... some of your Lucid Dreaming Experiences are in fact easier to understand when placed in the context of your having actually visited some higher spiritual Realms.

      Now, what does indeed convince many people that their Spiritual Experiences are still in fact Dreams is that such experiences seem rather full of Subjective and Personal Content. Well, that is to be expected in the Astral Planes. One of the great explorers and authors, in the Astral Projection Community, of my generation, was Oliver Fox. He was very controversial and upset a great many people with his book "Astral Projection" when he frankly admitted that the Astral Plane and the Actual Physical World were not entirely the same -- that they may have a good deal of overlap, but that the Astral would be distinguishable by its subjective content. At the time, the Astral Projectors wanted to be thought as traveling in the Real World and resented any attributions to Subjectivity.

      In one of my own Projections, I saw exactly what Mr. Fox meant. I was in the Far East and had come out to the Main Square of this one Provincial Town along the rail line. I was surprised to see a Statue of Some General on a Horse in the middle of the Plaza. It was not there during the day. Mr. Fox would have called it 'Subjective Content'. But when I asked around the next day, I found, that before the Japanese Occupation there had been a Statue of a General, a General who had once successfully fought against the Japanese. The Japanese were able to remove the Statue from the Physical Plane, but not from the Astral.

      And then Subjective Content overlapps the details of our ordinary environment. Suppose the Archetect of your house had envisioned one particular kind of French Tiles when doing your bathroom and shower, but had settled for another, or the contractor installed another tile. When you Astrally Project, do you think you will see the Tile that were installed, or the Tiles that had been planned and envisioned. It is more likely that the Planned and Envisioned Tiles will show up in an Astral Experience.


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