In the past few LD's I've had, I've tried asking some questions about my life or about what certain dreams mean. However sometimes (I don't want to say a lot of times, because there really haven't been too many times to ask, but most of the time, anyway) the message is usually just as cryptic as trying to interpret it through non-LD.

Am I asking the question wrong, for example, do I need to ask a DC "specifically, in the real world...(insert question)?" or what? Or should I be looking specifically for a Dream Guide (I haven't yet) or...?

On a side note, what's the best way to ask? I tend to always ask really hurriedly, because I feel I'm about to wake up (sometimes I wake up in the middle of an answer.) And one time, I tried to ask my parents, but they were in bed sleeping, and wouldn't wake up nicely...they did, but they didn't want to answer. I suppose I would too, if I were sleeping, but is it the same in a dream? Do I need to ask very politely to a not-sleeping person?