Alright, so I have been attempting WILD lately and am stuck. Now I started reading about lucid dreaming like 2 1/2 months ago I have always, however, been conscious for allot of starting to fall asleep. I almost always see dream fragments without even trying. I have attempted WILD about 3 times (7 if you count each individually, instead of each session) and it usually goes like this:
I lay down and begin to relax. Some random thoughts begin to enter my head and I replay some parts of the day. Then my body begins to go numb (and sometimes it feels like it is melting together.) I start to count and it becomes more numb. I sometimes hear slight noises (like the beep-beep-beep you get when you take too long to dial.) Sometimes my eyes flutter and I start to try to separate my dream body from my real one. I always seem to wake back up around this point. My body loses the numbness and I lay still but my body still wakes up on me. I usually try it again a couple time and it gets harder each time until I give up trying to WILD for the time being.
I should also note the first time I attempted to WILD it was because I realized I was halfway there already. I did not even plan on trying to--but it's got me hooked.