Has anyone else here read the Pendragon books. In the fourth one on velox there is that thing called lifelight where you enter your worlds mind and do anything you want to do while your body is just sitting there. It was so wierd to me when I first read that book and I thought about how much I would love to jump in the book and enter lifelight. And then I found out about lucid dreaming and it was like a dream come true!(lol) Here was the equivelent of lifelight exept real and completley attainable. It was fantastic. Has anyone else read the book and noticed that?

If you have not read them you realy should. They can be very interesting and I cannot even begin to describe what they are about. It Pendragon by D. J. Mchale the first is the Merchant of death.

If you do start to read the first one don't get thrown of by the first couple of pages. I promise that type of junk isn't the focus of the books at all, and they aren't just geeky sci-fi either, it's cool stuff.